Share the Scene:Community meeting on East Milton square zoning updates set for March 11th A pivotal community meeting has been scheduled for March 11, 2025,…
Share the Scene:QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) workshop for adults working with teens to be held Feb. 25 QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) is a two-hour interactive…
Share the Scene: Screenagers to be screened in Milton on Jan. 23 in Pierce Auditorium Tuesday, January 23rd, 7 -8:30pm, Pierce Auditorium, Film Screening: Screenagers:…
Share the Scene:The struggle to preserve Cunningham Park’s safety and sanctity amidst teen gatherings Milton’s Cunningham Park Foundation and security recently released a video contrasting the…
Share the Scene:Community meeting to discuss safe places for Milton teens social gatherings to be held Aug. 28th Milton Select Board’s Youth Task Force is…
Share the Scene:Youth mental health first aid training to take place Feb. 10 at Laboure College, Milton You are more likely to encounter someone having…