Share the Scene:From the Desk of the Superintendent: I would like to share with you an important update regarding state funding for Full Day Kindergarten,…
Share the Scene:From Eye on Early Education: Last week, on Friday, July 17, 2015, Governor Charlie Baker signed the fiscal year 2016 state budget into…
Share the Scene:From the Desk of the Superintendent: The Milton School Committee recently passed a Residency Policy that states “students who are enrolled in the…
Share the Scene:A Communication from State Representative Walter F. Timilty: Update: Rep. Timilty let the Milton Scene know this morning that the Conference Committee level funded full-day kindergarten…
Share the Scene:FROM THE DESK OF THE SUPERINTENDENT Congratulations on the conclusion of another successful school year. As we begin the summer vacation, I would…
Share the Scene:From: Mary C. Gormley To: Parents/Guardians and Staff Re: E-blast Update Date: Thursday, May 28, 2015 FROM THE DESK OF THE SUPERINTENDENT I would…