Share the Scene:Milton Police Log: May 12 – 19, 2023 05/12/2023 08:29 CANTON AVENUE Accident – P/D Caller reports a Bicyclist while driving past their…
Share the Scene:Milton Hospital Security requests support for a PT who is having a psych episode. Sergeant Coska reports ICU doctor Sectioned him and they…
Share the Scene:Milton Hospital Security requests support for a PT who is having a psych episode. Sergeant Coska reports ICU doctor Sectioned him and they…
Share the Scene:Milton Hospital Security requests support for a PT who is having a psych episode. Sergeant Coska reports ICU doctor Sectioned him and they…
Share the Scene:Milton Hospital Security requests support for a PT who is having a psych episode. Sergeant Coska reports ICU doctor Sectioned him and they…
Share the Scene:Milton Hospital Security requests support for a PT who is having a psych episode. Sergeant Coska reports ICU doctor Sectioned him and they…
Share the Scene:Milton Police Log: February 24 – March 3, 2023 02/24/2023 07:10 BRAE BURN ROAD Suspicious Activity Caller reports she was being followed. See…
Share the Scene:Milton Police Log: February 10 – February 17, 2023 02/10/2023 01:59 REEDSDALE ROAD Suspicious Activity Officer Grant reports SP activity at the above…