Share the Scene:Milton Art Center to host Spring Artisan Market Spring Artisan Market to feature handmade giftable goods Milton Art Center will be hosting a…
Share the Scene:Boston City Singers Tour Choir and World Rhythm Ensemble to hold special performance with Croatian music ensemble The Pajdasi Tamburitza Performance to be…
Share the Scene:Megan Pallai announces candidacy for Town Meeting Pallai to represent Precinct 9 I am excited to announce my candidacy for Town Meeting Member…
Share the Scene:Larry Johnson announces candidacy for Town Meeting Johnson to represent Precinct 4 My name is Larry Johnson and I respectfully request the votes…
Share the Scene:Classical group called “Trio Spirito” to perform at Milton Public Library Violinist and Milton Public School teacher Loren Pearson to lead final concert…
Share the Scene:Angela McConney Scheepers announces candidacy for Town Meeting McConney Scheepers to represent Precinct 1 Angela McConney Scheepers is running for Town Meeting member,…
Share the Scene:Kyan Thornton announces candidacy for Town Meeting Thornton to represent Precinct 1 Hello Friends and Neighbors! My name is Kyan Thornton (“Kee-ahn”) and…