Share the Scene:Superintendent Jette releases updates for week of April 8, 2021 This week’s highlights include Elementary Transition to a Fll Day Model, camp Cunningham…
Share the Scene:Milton Police Log: February 26 – March 5, 2021 02/26/2021 05:18 HIGHLAND STREET Suspicious Activity Caller reports party refusing to leave ER. Milton…
Share the Scene:Superintendent Jette releases updates for week of April 1, 2021 This week’s highlights include model change update, MHS launch dog treats, collicot book…
Share the Scene:Milton Police Log: February 19 – February 26, 2021 02/19/2021 02:11 HUTCHINSON STREET Suspicious Activity 911 caller reports he has information regarding SP…
Share the Scene:Milton Council on Aging teams up with Standish Village with grab-and-go meals for St. Patrick’s Day The team at Standish Village Assisted Living…
Share the Scene:Fire Station Building Committee hosts virtual community forum On March 11, the Milton Select Board hosted members of the Fire Station Building Committee…
Share the Scene:Milton Police Log: February 12 – February 19, 2021 02/12/2021 00:25 BLUE HILL AVENUE Neighbor Disturbance Caller reported her downstairs neighbor playing loud…