Share the Scene:Proceeds from race to benefit Milton community through scholarships and grants Milton Road Race to offer both 5k and 10k races Hundreds of…
Share the Scene:Milton Youth Advocates forms to address lack of teen programming in town New organization to create positive and safe out-of-school opportunities for youth In November,…
Share the Scene:Milton SEPAC election to take place on Tuesday, May 22nd Submissions accepted from now until Sunday, May 20th Greetings, It is almost summer…
Share the Scene:Hands on distribution of solar-powered lights to occur throughout Puerto Rico Donations accepted until Friday, May 18th Members of East Church Congregational UCC…
Share the Scene:First youth-led community meeting to take place on Thursday, May 17th Meeting to be held at Milton Public Library The Milton Substance Abuse…
Share the Scene:The Neighborhood Club of Quincy to host Milton Historical Society’s annual dinner Dinner to be held on Thursday, May 24th The Milton Historical…