Share the Scene:Milton Art Center to host wellness classes with various health and wellness professionals Practice self-care at Milton Art Center with yoga classes Self…
Share the Scene:Tea Specialist Lisa Tavakoli to return to Milton Public Library with new presentation “Tea Gowns, Tea Gardens and The Tango: Early 20th Century…
Share the Scene:“Milton Knitting Group” to return to Milton Public Library in October Nina Zonnevylle to host “Milton Knitting Group” First of all, our ongoing…
Share the Scene:Interfaith Social Services’ Annual Halloween Drive distributes costumes to local children in need Halloween costumes needed for annual Halloween Drive Interfaith Social Services,…
Share the Scene:Sports personality Upton Bell to headline Milton Library Foundation gala Upton Bell to discuss his critically acclaimed debut autobiography, Present at the Creation: My…
Share the Scene:Attend “Coffee With A Cop” to welcome and congratulate Milton’s own, Boston Police Commissioner William Gross William Gross to be celebrated at “Coffee…
Share the Scene:Milton Public Library to offer various events throughout October Programs include knitting, book club, and more During the month of October, the Milton…