Share the Scene:Milton Historical Society to host special event commemorating 100th anniversary of War to End All Wars Singer-guitarist Diane Taraz to perform “Till We…
Share the Scene:Second annual Mike’s 5k to Crush Substance Abuse to take place this month 5k to benefit Gavin Foundation and Milton Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition…
Share the Scene:“Ghosts and Legends” program to celebrate Halloween a little early Ghost expert Jeff Belanger to visit Milton Public Library There will be a very…
Share the Scene:Learn how to use your technological devices with “Drop-in Device Help with Chris” sessions Two sessions to be held at Milton Public Library…
Share the Scene:Milton Cultural Council grant period open through Oct. 15 The Milton Cultural Council held an informational meeting about the grant process on Tuesday…
Share the Scene:Congregation Beth Shalom of the Blue Hills made donation to Milton Food Bank Delivery made by volunteers David Mabel and Lisa Sadler The Annual…
Share the Scene:Milton Parks and Recreation to present New England Championship Wrestling Wrestling to take place on Saturday, October 13th Join us for the first…