Share the Scene:East Milton Falconi development on hold pending talks to sell property by Doug Scibeck. Falconi Development announced to the Planning Board that they…
Share the Scene:This month’s cookbook for Cookbook Club to be Cooking with Mary Berry Join Cookbook Club at Milton Public Library On November 5th, from…
Share the Scene:RhythmSpeaks Drum Circle with Ed Sorrentino to be held at East Church Drum Circle to build community at East Church RhythmSpeaks Drum Circle…
Share the Scene:Boston Guitar Orchestra presents live music at Eustis Estate Boston Guitar Orchestra (BGO) to give their first concert in Milton The Boston Guitar…
Share the Scene:Veterans Day Observance to be held in front of Milton Town Hall This year’s ceremony to commemorate 100 year anniversary of Armistice Day…
Share the Scene:“Library Knitting Group” to meet twice this month at Milton Public Library Share tips and tricks with other knitters Our ongoing “Library Knitting…
Share the Scene:Milton Public Library offers fun adult programs throughout November Events held at the library are free and open to the public During November,…