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- Calling all Super Builders: Master Lego builder visits the Library Today! | The Milton Scene
- Milton Library Lego Club is visited by master builder - The Milton Scene
- Construction update on new East Milton Restaurant, Novara - The Milton Scene
- Milton Public Schools Superintendent's E-Blast: August 18 - The Milton Scene
- Rep. Lynch and State Rep. Timilty Meet with FAA Administrator on Airplane Noise
- Milton rallies against airplane noise - The Milton Scene
- Town Meeting to take place tonight - The Milton Scene
- Gallery: Milton's monsters! - The Milton Scene
- What to do about bad driving in Milton - The Milton Scene
- Board of Selectmen announces retirement of Milton Police Chief Richard Wells and Town Administrator Annemarie Fagan - The Milton Scene
- Thank you, Milton Neighbors - The Milton Scene
- Thank you, Milton Neighbors - The Milton Scene
- Thank you, Milton Neighbors - The Milton Scene
- Metered parking survey results are in - The Milton Scene
- Milton Neighbors attendance at FAA meeting encouraged by Logan CAC representative Cindy Christiansen - The Milton Scene
- Did you hear that!? #savemiltonskies - The Milton Scene
- Milton Neighbors record plane noise - The Milton Scene
- Milton Neighbors record plane noise - The Milton Scene
- Milton Neighbors record plane noise - The Milton Scene
- FAA air traffic complaintw - who to contact - The Milton Scene
- Milton Neighbors record plane noise - The Milton Scene
- Milton Neighbors respond with spectacular generosity to local family affected by fire - The Milton Scene
- Milton snow and ice control policy for 2016 - The Milton Scene
- U.S. Rep. Lynch pushes “Quiet Skies” provision - The Milton Scene
- Milton air traffic statistics for December 1-8, 2015 - The Milton Scene
- Special Milton Town Meeting to take place Feb. 8 - The Milton Scene
- Loading zone & valet update from Milton's Traffic Commission - The Milton Scene
- Loading zone & valet update from Milton's Traffic Commission - The Milton Scene
- Loading zone & valet update from Milton's Traffic Commission - The Milton Scene
- Special Milton Town Meeting to take place Feb. 8 - The Milton Scene
- View Milton air traffic and file a complaint in a few easy steps - The Milton Scene
- Milton Playground Planners to hold kickoff fundraiser on Jan. 26 - The Milton Scene
- Milton Stormwater Utility Article to be discussed in Jan. 27 educational meeting - The Milton Scene
- How to report Milton snow and ice problems or issues - The Milton Scene
- Milton Playground Planners to host indoor yard sale Feb. 20 - The Milton Scene
- Get involved in the Town of Milton. Run for a public position! - The Milton Scene
- 961 Milton residents without power on Feb. 3 - The Milton Scene
- Milton Scene and Milton Neighbors founder, Melissa Fassel Dunn, chats about all things Milton and Facebook - The Milton Scene
- Milton Scene and Milton Neighbors founder, Melissa Fassel Dunn, chats about all things Milton and Facebook - The Milton Scene
- View Milton air traffic and file a complaint in a few easy steps - The Milton Scene
- Poll results: 50% of Milton residents would not vote to approve a 2017 override while 37% said they would - The Milton Scene
- What’s going on in Milton government and why isn’t anyone telling me? - The Milton Scene
- Milton Chief of Police Richard Wells makes public statement at Feb. 23 Board of Selectmen meeting - The Milton Scene
- Ice House property open discussion to be held Mar. 1 - The Milton Scene
- Ice House property open discussion to be held Mar. 1 - The Milton Scene
- Ice House property proposal hot topic on Milton Neighbors - The Milton Scene
- Ice House property proposal hot topic on Milton Neighbors - The Milton Scene
- Milton Neighbors' help needed in airplane pollution study - The Milton Scene
- Milton resident Keith Schleicher supports Ice House development - The Milton Scene
- Milton resident Keith Schleicher supports Ice House development - The Milton Scene
- Update on Milton's Town election and last minute call to aspiring local politicians - The Milton Scene
- Mike Zullas changes course; will explore State House run - The Milton Scene
- Page not found - The Milton Scene
- Join your neighbors for the Milton Reads Annual Trivia Night - The Milton Scene
- Tired of the planes in Milton? Here's what to do. - The Milton Scene
- Tired of the planes in Milton? Here's what to do. - The Milton Scene
- Poll: What is the biggest problem facing Milton right now? - The Milton Scene
- Milton Neighbors to choose Milton Faves 2016 - The Milton Scene
- Virtually unused, Milton Neighbors Facebook group to be discontinued - The Milton Scene
- Milton Neighbors to choose Milton Faves 2016 - The Milton Scene
- You're invited! Milton Neighbors Social: April 12, 2016 - The Milton Scene
- Air pollution expert Wig Zamore speaks to Milton about plane traffic - The Milton Scene
- Air pollution expert Wig Zamore speaks to Milton about plane traffic - The Milton Scene
- Milton Neighbors polled on the biggest problem facing Milton right now - The Milton Scene
- A letter from the East Milton Neighborhood Association President - The Milton Scene
- Milton Election 2016: Proud to be a Miltonite - The Milton Scene
- Milton Election 2016: Proud to be a Miltonite - The Milton Scene
- Milton Election 2016: Proud to be a Miltonite - The Milton Scene
- Do you own a local business? Can you help Tufts Floating Hospital collect books for underserved children? - The Milton Scene
- Zachary Lazar announces candidacy for Milton Town Meeting Member, Precinct 2 - The Milton Scene
- Guess the number of air traffic complaints Milton residents submitted to MassPort this past April - The Milton Scene
- TICKETS ON SALE NOW! Milton NeighboRRRS Pirate Dance Party to take place June 16 - The Milton Scene
- Correction: Pulte Homes/Town Farm Cluster Development public hearing to be continued to August 25 - The Milton Scene
- Milton residents attend Massport board meeting to voice concerns of plane abuse - The Milton Scene
- "Reopen Adams Street overpass" say 83% of survey respondents - The Milton Scene
- Aviation impacts conference to take place on Nov 5. - The Milton Scene
- Poll: How will you vote on Question 2 (Charter School Expansion)? - The Milton Scene
- Poll Results - How will you vote on Question 1: Massachusetts Authorization of a Second Slots Location - The Milton Scene
- Poll Results: How will Milton Neighbors vote on Question 4 (Legalization, regulation and taxation of marijuana)? - The Milton Scene
- Opinion: Environmental Politics - The Milton Scene
- Play Milton Neighbors Match-it this holiday season! - The Milton Scene
- Local businesses will double your donations to local charities - The Milton Scene
- Happy Holidays from the Milton Scene! - The Milton Scene
- Parking lot on Milton's I-93 park revisited - The Milton Scene
- Manning Park overpass impasse remains - The Milton Scene
- Political candidacy introductions are due April 4 - The Milton Scene
- Milton Town Democratic Committee invites residents to spring events - The Milton Scene
- Peter Dunn announces Candidacy for Town Meeting Member for Precinct 7 - The Milton Scene
- View the sample ballot for the Milton Town Election on April 25, 2017 - The Milton Scene
- Opinion: Five Member Board of Selectmen - The Milton Scene
- List of Milton's 2017 election candidates - The Milton Scene
- List of Milton's 2017 election candidates - The Milton Scene
- List of Milton's 2017 election candidates - The Milton Scene
- List of Milton's 2017 election candidates - The Milton Scene
- List of Milton's 2017 election candidates - The Milton Scene
- List of Milton's 2017 election candidates - The Milton Scene
- List of Milton's 2017 election candidates - The Milton Scene
- List of Milton's 2017 election candidates - The Milton Scene
- List of Milton's 2017 election candidates - The Milton Scene
- List of Milton's 2017 election candidates - The Milton Scene
- List of Milton's 2017 election candidates - The Milton Scene
- List of Milton's 2017 election candidates - The Milton Scene
- List of Milton's 2017 election candidates - The Milton Scene
- List of Milton's 2017 election candidates - The Milton Scene
- List of Milton's 2017 election candidates - The Milton Scene
- List of Milton's 2017 election candidates - The Milton Scene
- 2017 LIVE! Milton election results on the Milton Scene - The Milton Scene
- 2017 LIVE! Milton election results on the Milton Scene - The Milton Scene
- 2017 LIVE! Milton election results on the Milton Scene - The Milton Scene
- Milton votes to move to 5 member BOS; Wells takes selectman win - The Milton Scene
- Milton votes to move to 5 member BOS; Wells takes selectman win - The Milton Scene
- Milton votes to move to 5 member BOS; Wells takes selectman win - The Milton Scene
- Milton votes to move to 5 member BOS; Wells takes selectman win - The Milton Scene
- Milton votes to move to 5 member BOS; Wells takes selectman win - The Milton Scene
- Milton votes to move to 5 member BOS; Wells takes selectman win - The Milton Scene
- Milton votes to move to 5 member BOS; Wells takes selectman win - The Milton Scene
- Milton votes to move to 5 member BOS; Wells takes selectman win - The Milton Scene
- Milton votes to move to 5 member BOS; Wells takes selectman win - The Milton Scene
- Milton votes to move to 5 member BOS; Wells takes selectman win - The Milton Scene
- Milton votes to move to 5 member BOS; Wells takes selectman win - The Milton Scene
- Milton votes to move to 5 member BOS; Wells takes selectman win - The Milton Scene
- Milton votes to move to 5 member BOS; Wells takes selectman win - The Milton Scene
- Milton's year in review: 2016 - The Milton Scene
- Milton's year in review: 2016 - The Milton Scene
- Milton's year in review: 2016 - The Milton Scene
- Local Politicians, Milton Residents Residents call for Massport Board to adopt a voluntary resolution to mitigate air traffic over Milton - The Milton Scene
- Milton residents take on air traffic issues - The Milton Scene
- Opinion: Objection to the East Milton deck project "freeze" - The Milton Scene
- Do you need to get the word out about your local business? - The Milton Scene
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Melissa you have Dunn it (I mean Done it) again!!! Thank you for this wonderful resource. Like you I too felt a bit like a fish out of water when I moved to town, now new residents will have this wonderful place to come to where they can feel right at home from the get go. Thank you Oh so much for always thinking of ways to improve our lives as we all together explore the Milton Scene.!!!
Thank you, Kindred. Your support on Milton Neighbors has meant so much to me. I’m hoping that new Milton residents will feel comfortable in the water with the rest of us Milton fish right away! Enjoyu the site!
Congratulations Brian!!! So happy to see your talents being shared in this new format. You truly are GIFTED and your stunning images have brought many smiles to an otherwise dismal and cloudy day. I am so THRILLED to see you presented during the installment of the MILTON SCENE. Bravo!!!!! Congratulations on all you do, you and your images together are simply MAGICAL!!!!
Thanks for creating this, Melissa!
You’re welcome! I hope you find it useful!
Melissa, you are great! Thank you so much for creating this site.
Thank you, Suzi, I hope it is useful to you!
Great fun as always. Kudos to the Milton Kiwanis Club for always starting off the Independence Day festivities with Fun for all. It truly was a SPECTACULAR Community event. Happy 4th All!
Thank you Melissa. What a refreshing site with all we need to know and go. Thank you for doing this. Just GREAT!!!Fantastic layout.
Great piece, Doug!
Brian’s work is spectacular! It should wallpaper our town.
Thank you Mr. Scibeck for this comprehensive overview. I look forward to future posts by you.
The Planning Board is seeking public input regarding potential revisions to the sign bylaw. Contact Assistant Town Planner Tim Czerwienski at [email protected] or 617-898-4969 for more information
Children everywhere including our own here in Milton may be busy enjoying the sun, surf and sand and all the joys and freedoms of Summer but it is wonderful to know that there are dedicated individuals who are always advocating on their behalf to ensure that they have the best education possible including the early start with Full Day Kindergarten. It is truly comforting to know that with all the changes and cuts we can always depend on our devoted State Rep Walter F. Timilty for his ongoing advocacy, he knows and understands the value of education and we thank him for working on behalf of our children.
Please take the Planning Board’s survey about zoning, signage, etc. It takes about 10 minutes and it’s important that the board has community input:
Thank you again Rep. Timilty for all you do. You don’t just talk the talk but walk the walk also. We are grateful for your representation and advocacy. This is such a plus for Milton, Thank you.
Has there ever been a discussion about holding the farmers market on the weekend so us 9-5’ers can participate?
Jane, that would be fantastic, wouldn’t it? The Milton Farmer’s Market does have a contact form at the bottom of their website, if you’d like to give it a go:
Welcome to the Milton Scene Ms. Confar. Wow!!! I am surrounded by so much TALENT. Everybody has a story and your paintings capture them well. What a treat to the people who have seen your art show in Provincetown. Lucinda surely captures a smile in your painting and I too love to hear and share stories. Looking forward to the day you have a show closer to home. Possibly at the Milton Public Library? Well done and congrats. A gift is better when shared. Thanks for sharing your rich talent with us. I am particularly drawn to the eyes, the window of the soul and each of your paintings featured the eyes tell a different story, Bravo!!! keep up the GREAT work!!!
You’ll get up to ten years in jail if you participate in a protest that blocks the highway. Somehow I don’t think this is the right message to send. I disagree with it and we shouldn’t be wasting time drafting legislation like this.
Too bad the diapered doolittles are not in jail now.
Greetings to the Milton Scene from an old time Miltonite. Well not really since to earn that handle, one should actually be born here they say. But moving here from Boston at age nine is close enough I guess . MHS class of ’68. Anybody out there?
Thanks Ladies!. I welcome the new opportunity on this site and am already thinking about my next post
No neon! No backlighting ! No oversized garish signs! Quiet elegance, and old fashioned charm should set the tone in all the business areas of our town. That will bring in the business with as little disruption of the well established neighborhood as possible. There’s no need for instance to have 25 foot high gas station signs in a location where it would be impossible not to see the station.the banks should be gracious enough to allow customers for restaurants to park in those lots after banking hours. That’s simple neighborliness. People are attracted to and willing to pay for charming little towns in this area. Whether to shop here, dine here, or settle here. Done correctly, everybody wins.
The Planning Board survey is also a good idea. I urge all to check it out.
All of these requests would help Milton, our neighboring communities around Logan, and the tens of thousands of others across the country whose lives have been negatively affected by the FAA’s new NextGen technology. Many thanks to Congressman Lynch. Please continue fighting for us.
Keep up the good fight Mr. Lynch!
This will send a clear message to those who wish to engage in protests by blocking highways.
It’s always the right time to do what is right and these teens clearly showed that humanity is still alive and well. Kudos to them for jumping into action and saving a life. This has truly put a smile on my face. The young man who was saved will be forever grateful . I want to applaud these young Milton men for their actions.
A treasure indeed. Thank you Rep. Timilty, Fowl Meadow is a treasure and some things need to be preserved.
I hope this is the appropriate site to post this comment. I continue to be troubled by the poor maintenance of the traffic triangle directly opposite St. Agatha’s Church dedicated to the late Monsignor Gallagher. The church grounds are beautifully landscaped with thousands of dollars of bushes, plants and colorful flowers. Yet, the small little plot of weed ridden, unmoved grass and sagging wreath stands in stark contrast to the parish Monsignor Gallagher served so long and so well. Could not the parish landscape this tiny memorial lot? If not, take down the dedication sign. Return it to the town.
Thank you ! Thank you! Thank you!! No matter what, when or where, we can Always RELY on our devoted State Rep to do all he can for the betterment of all. Thank you Rep.Timilty for your ongoing advocacy, concern and support. Greatly appreciated.
Thank you for this. I was actually planning to cancel my cable today after preparing myself by setting my home up for all streaming and trying to live as if we did not have cable. I take this article as a sort of sign that we’re making the right move.
I have a Tivo (my own) and already had my own wifi router and cable modem for years. The Tivo helps since most of CBS is not on Hulu and there are some shows there that I’d hate to miss. With the Tivo, I get a guide for the over the air channels so I can flip channels similar to when I have cable. It also comes preloaded with Amazon, Hulu and Netflix apps similar to the internet tv.
The other advantage to the Tivo is that I can set up subscriptions of shows I want and navigate to the shows through my Tivo playlist as if they were recordings event though they are served by a streaming service. So I can mix historic shows and newly recorded shows in one folder. Makes searching for things a bit easier.
This has been so worrisome, we are grateful that we have a dedicated representative who works tirelessly on behalf of all, We know you care Rep. Walter Timilty and we appreciate your steadfast support and advocacy. Thank you.
The EVENT of the year!! Truly brings out the ENTIRE community, A fun time for all, a night to thank personally ALL the men and women who protect us 365 days a year 24/7. We are so grateful for the MPD and this is a wonderful opportunity to Thank them for their services. Thank you MPD.
What a FABULOUS way to end the week. Wonderful news on so many fronts. Thank you Senator Joyce for advocating, we will ALL be beneficiaries and enjoy all that Milton and environs has to offer thanks to you and other legislators who fought tooth and nail to bring this to fruition. Thank you.
I think these are a great idea!!!! Do not like solicitors canvassing area!! But, I think there should be an article in place so the elementary, middle school and high school students should be able to solicit for needed funds and also include girl scouts and boy scouts for their annual cookie and wreath sales and make them free from the rules listed above!! Thank you!!!!
Thanks, Mary. I agree wholeheartedly! That’s why I have point #6: “Exceptions: Milton Public Schools sports teams, local kids’ fundraisers, etc.” I agree that local children shouldn’t have to be restricted in the same way that, say, RCN or Comcast would.
Great survey and the results speak for themselves. This is not a NIMBY (not in my backyard)issue at all! It is because the planes are flying over Milton constantly (we get 40% of all arrivals at Logan!) that it IS an issue. I have lived in Milton all my life (59 years) and the last several years have been horrible, in terms of the number of planes, the frequency of the planes (every 30-60 seconds), and the altitudes of the planes flying over Milton. This is not only a noise issue but a health issue. If things don’t change soon, we, like some others, will leave the town. This will break my heart but the situation is such that there are days when we can’t even be outside the noise is so loud.
Judy where are the officers that you say respect him so much? Has anyone heard from them? Were they at the meeting you talk about? please explain where you are getting this information. It’s weird nobody seems to have heard from them. If so respected, would you not expect the officers to be publicly upset???
Please support our Military Veterans and their families through the Wounded Warrior Project.
Happy New Year Melissa and Milton Neighbors. What a year it was indeed! Melissa this truly was a saving grace again and again throughout 2015, thank you for providing us with this platform where we could learn, grow and meet with friends, especially during the long winter that was. Often I learnt about many of the town’s happenings through MN and got to know many neighbors a bit better. I am praying for a safe, healthy and happy 2016 for us all. Thank you Melissa and Thank you Neighbors.
Congratulations Frank and Well done Dronelife. Frank is such a brilliant and gifted writer with a wealth of knowledge, surely to keep us all in the know. I am thrilled to know that this exemplary writer will continue to share his wealth of knowledge and expertise with us all. What wonderful news. Congratulations Frank.
An amazing family! I am so happy for them! No doubt they earned this “happily ever after!” Their story should be on TV, a happy story that needs to be told. These young ladies worked very hard, 6 days a week, no calling in sick for close to 14 years. I am sure that all of their loyal customers, including me, will be there to support them and insure over the moon success for these lovely Ladies and Gentleman!
An epidemic that is too often claiming the lives of many. Thank you Rep.Timilty in the House of Representatives, for being a dedicated advocate and a voice for those who often have no voice.
Oh Melissa only seeing this now. LONG OVERDUE, thank you Mr. Kelly for sharing the genius of Melissa with us all. Milton Neighbors and the Milton Scene truly connects us all with all things Milton and beyond . We are so grateful to Melissa for creating a platform for us all to stay informed, be entertained and receive up to the minute news. Thanks Melissa.
Thank you, Kindred! And many thanks to Brian Kelly for the fun interview!
I strongly encourage everyone to educate themselves about the town budget process – it is not mismanagement so much as it is a very small commercial tax base which some of us progressives in town are trying to change – by becoming town meeting members and keeping informed of what goes through the planning board etc…and we need more people to get involved rather than sit back and complain without bringing forward solutions. I don’t know anyone that wants to pay more taxes — but I also don’t know anyone that wants to see their property values decline as a result of town services being cut. Please tune in to town meeting as well as any of the budget presentations being made at our schools over the next few weeks.
Milton prides itself on being a town where residents are passionate, dedicated and committed to causes that benefit all. It is without question that Selectman Conlon is one who dedicates her time, talents and energy for the betterment of us all in Milton. Thank you Selectman Conlon for your steadfast dedication, Milton is rich because of your commitment and together with my family you have our unwavering support as you seek reelection, It is with gratitude we sat THANK YOU for the work you have done and we look forward to your continued efforts here in Milton.
It is with heavy hearts that we sadly heard the news of the tragic death of one of our own. Ms. Clavette was a gift to the students and to all of us in the Milton Community. Allowing our children to express their creativity through art is something they will cherish forever. We all feel the loss and will unite in prayer as her family copes with the loss of this talented, and gifted teacher who devoted her life to nurturing the creativity in her students. Thank you Ms. Clavette for your time with us, your legacy will live on through the many art pieces that grace the walls, but most of all in our hearts as having been a kind and nurturing person. Our hearts are heavy , our condolences go out to all her family and friends and to us all in the Milton Community.
Mr. Zullas has the determination and drive needed to continue on as School Committee Chair. Armed with the skills, knowledge and mindset, he truly is a gifted individual who brings all he has to the table. A Committed , hard worker, Mr. Zullas is willing to stand up and be an advocate for causes that benefit All here in Milton and in the Milton Public Schools, he will undoubtedly along with his fellow School Committee members continue to fight the good fight so that each and every child in the Milton Public Schools not only received a quality and comprehensive education but along the way knowing that their are individuals who devote their time and energy to ensure that they get the best of the best. I SALUTE you Mr. Zullas and Yes will encourage everyone to vote in your favour as you seek re-election. Good luck.
Go Wildcats!!! What a triumph for the Milton High Indoor Track and field team. Congratulations to all who helped achieve this Victorious feat. Bravo!!!! What a Phenomenal 1st place finish.
Milton is proud of you. Congratulations!!!!
What flood is this? I love in this area and just went by the Senior Center today and did not notice any issues related to flooding. Although, in this area, I did see some type of water main replacement being done by contractors near the middle school and then another day close by on Brook Road…. Is that what is being described as the problem?
Wonderful Warrant Committee Chair LeeMichael. I applaud you and all who take the time to work on behalf of us all in Milton. I may not (yet) be a Town Meeting member but certainly keep abreast with all town happenings through all the ways listed above. Thanks for your dedication. Keep up the great work.
I am not sure what the cause of the flood is, but according to a recent update, the Senior Center will be opened on a limited schedule starting Tuesday, February 23rd. You can call them at 617-898-4893 to inquire as to the cause of the problem.
Mr. Zullas, your commitment has been remarkable and indeed your voice and dedication as Chair on the School Committee has been a huge benefit to us here in Milton. On behalf of my family I wish you continued success as you explore other avenues where you will continue to be of service. Thank you for your ongoing commitment to serve.
I encourage all who can to join the Milton Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition. Together we must join forces in an effort to help with this ever growing epidemic, robbing the lives of too many.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family and friends of Kate Lisa on her tragic death, a young woman getting ready to graduate and embark on a journey of dreams and possibilities.Our sincere condolences on this tragic loss. Heartbreak in Milton.
Love it
Milton residents show not just solidarity but an expert understanding of the issues involved in the flight path over our town. Great job to all who spoke so eloquently!
Erik worked to design a fantastic patio and pergola for us. Could not have been happier with design and responsiveness.
Lauren has provided catering for us for two separate events at our home. Not only was she flexible and easy to work with, the food and drinks were to die for and the service was friendly. Lauren and her crew fit right into our group as though they were family. Highly recommended.
Cooangtulatirns Vivian! Just checking in and saw the news. Your photos were such a huge hit with all of our family at Christmas so thank you again.
My dogs have gone to Sharon at the Pick of the Litter in Quincy for over 10 years. They always look beautiful after their bath and trim and the shop has amazing employees who are caring and loving to my dogs.
Our condo association in South Boston has contracted Capital Construction for many projects – most recently, a siding renovation. This involved removing several layers of old siding and replacing with a high quality fiber cement from James Hardie. During the “de-construction” the crew found two extra layers of siding which were not on our original scope of work, however, Jude Watters (sales manager) and Steve Carreiro (production manager) properly addressed this issue to come up with a reasonable, mutually acceptable, cost effective solution.
Everyone we worked with at Capital Construction from sales and admin to the on-site project manager, to the guys doing the work were courteous and professional. They kept on schedule with open lines of communication so we always knew what time they would show up in the morning and what was being done each day. They were also always available to answer questions. The job site was kept safe and cleaned up at the end of every day. The project cost was slightly higher than other local contractors, however, was well worth paying a slight bit more due to the quality of work and the integrity of people representing the company. With construction there are always possibilities for “unforeseen issues” when taking on a major project (new siding, new roof, new windows, etc.). In my opinion it is how those “unforeseen issues” are resolved which differentiates a company and makes it superior. David Arrowsmith and his team at Capital Construction are professional, knowledgeable, and responsive and (to me) those are critical factors for a successful business experience.
Our new siding looks beautiful and has helped solve leaks and drafts we were experiencing in the past. We are pleased with the work and our experience and would highly recommend Capital Construction to others considering construction or renovation projects.
Capital Constructions always delivers on time and as promised. They’re always reliable, tidy, professional, friendly and know what they’re doing. I’ve used Capital many times and have always been very satisfied with their work. They are a group of professionals you can trust to work on your home.
I do not agree. Read: Sincerely, Georgann
Riz was adopted & has been a wonderful addition to our home! Please consider visiting a shelter in your neighborhood & bringing home a new member of the family!
Thanks to the staff & volunteers who cared for Riz until we were able to adopt him–appreciated beyond words.
I am born and raised in Milton but moved to Illinois in 2009 . I am disgusted that wasteful spending continues around this issue. Two problems continue around the square .
Traffic and parking. I myself avoid the sqare like the plague because of the traffic and drive around it , shopping elsewhere.A
Parking deck should be installed over the top of North side of the closed overpass with vehicular traffic turn ins on the east and west side of the overpass. Parking problems solved . Stop worrying about where to place the memorial and sovle the problems that are preventing the shops in the square from being successful first.
Funding can be raised by people paying to park there, the shops have more business and this can also allow for future business expansion of the square the should be able to produce more tax revenue for town that would some day stop the pathetic increases in property taxes .
Stop with the BS and get it done
Interested to see what comes of this.
Hardly a day goes by without us remarking on how glad we are that we pursued the major renovation of our kitchen, bathroom, and family room with Absolute General Contractors.
We are amazed how the reorganization of the rooms has completely changed our home. The kitchen works especially well, and we “live” in our new family room with its wonderful view of our backyard and the trees beyond. Visitors are so impressed with how different the house is, and yet how natural the renovation seems as if the house had originally been built this way.
The extra attention to detail by Absolute has produced this result. It was a pleasure working with you and all your crew. Everyone was pleasant and professional. You were here supervising the work everyday just as promised. Thanks so much, Kieran. We are so happy with everything!
Krefta landscaping came highly recommended by several neighbors. They designed a wonderful patio area with an L-shaped pergola and gas firepit. Highly recommended!
Eric is a legend in the mortgage industry. This coming from a Realtor who has met many many lenders.
MaryBeth found us our wonderful home we live in now! She is someone who will help you through the whole process.
MaryBeth is by far the best! For both commercial as well as residential she goes above and beyond on every fine detail I am forever thankful for all she has done to help me find the best commercial space for my business.
She is smart, knowledgeable and has your best interest. We have worked with Mary Beth on two home purchases and the sale of our home. She knows Milton inside and out and has a great pulse on the market. Her business savvy is impressive and her strategy has proved winning for us. She is both professional and personal – a winning combo.
She knows her stuff is exceptional truly goes above and beyond genuine I can go on and on. We sold our house and bought another with her and this spring summer and all her recommendations/perspectives were spot on!
Comcast has been horrible lately. Wifi is either extremely slow or won’t connect, I have had to use cellular data at home. Contacting them is so difficult we haven’t even done anything about it. They will just say we need to upgrade to something more expensive. So we hope it will turn itself around!
Fran’s yoga classes are a perfect blend of meditation, stretching and strengthening. My husband, who is a runner, is now taking her class and it is helping him stay injury free. For me, I leave her yoga class feeling more relaxed both physically and mentally.
I love Fran’s yoga classes! Her lovely intentions, flow of the class and her music are such a great start to the day. All levels and fun to be part of her tribe!!
Invigorating, calming, thought-provoking, mind clearing. Whatever you need, Fran provides. I enthusiastically recommend Fran Karoff Yoga to all. it is wonderful.
John Clary is absolutely the Doctor of Plumbing and Heating. He has over 20 Years experience and no job is too hard for him to tackle. John has just finished installing a gas boiler and fixing all my plumbing to get me into my recently purchased 1900 house. He converted me from oil to gas and literally put my whole house together and only cut in to two walls to do all this. I am so grateful to have met John and I highly recommend him for all your plumbing and heating needs.
I heartily recommend Paul’s Plowing for snow removal. I have to be out of the country quite often in the winter, and Paul has been reliable in clearing my sidewalks and driveway after a snow when I am away. Excellent work!
My wife and I have lived at Fuller Village for 10 years, as of April 2018. We love it here. It was the best choice we could have made for our retirement years. We tease that it is like a continuous Road Scholar trip. There are wonderful educational opportunities and various physical activities to enjoy. My wife loves the water aerobics in the pool, the yoga classes and line dancing in the studio, riding with the bicycle group, and laughing with the Red Hat ladies. I like the bocce, the putting green, and the men’s club. Together we play tennis and pickle ball, enjoy the Pub Night, and the special occasions in the lounge and restaurant. There is something for everyone at Fuller.
As longtime (12-year) residents of Fuller Village, we have no reservations about declaring the published description of Fuller Village to be spot-on! And while that summary does not include the word “socialization,” the reference to “boundless opportunities to get involved, keep active, meet new friends and embrace lifelong learning” represents the heart of it. Whether you are a senior couple or a single person, you will find countless opportunities to interact with fellow seniors and thereby maintain a key component of healthy aging. We have witnessed its effect on many occasions and have no doubt it is a quality-of-life issue Fuller Village satisfies every day.
My husband and I have lived at Fuller Village for two years and we know we have made a wonderful choice. We chose Fuller very deliberately for its location to our previous home so that we can absolutely “make new friends and keep the old”. We participate in a wide range of health and wellness activities; enjoy lectures and musical presentations; and spend time with caring and engaged people. The facility is beautifully maintained and “living is easy”.
I had DMS gut my tired 1980s kitchen and Dave and his crew worked wonders. All new cabinets, countertops, appliances, hardwood flooring, exposed beams – and Dave even picked up beautiful Benjamin Moore color for us. I would recommend him to anyone and we will definitely use him again.
JJ has been our accountant for several years now. He is knowledgeable, expedient, and a pleasure to work with. He has helped us immensely with his expert advice, and makes the tax process as painless as possible. I can’t recommend him enough.
I only wish we had known about Atlantic Insurance sooner. When we switched our homeowners and auto insurance policies to Atlantic, we saved hundreds of dollars over our previous company. Plus, Bob (and everybody at Atlantic!) is a pleasure to work with. Highly recommended.
Long time member that thoroughly enjoys these vegetables grown so close to home. This produce outshines anything at the grocery store and has traveled so little to feed my family.
Kate Donovan Photography shot our wedding a few years back and made us feel so comfortable! We loved our photos! She’s since shot our maternity, newborn and baby’s first Christmas! She is a great photographer and all around person!
This company was not only professional and kind, but went above and beyond the call of duty. They were at the site quickly, where I needed a key made for a box truck. Apparently, this key is an anomaly and no information was located within the databases locksmiths access. They spent over 18 hours, spanned for a couple days, making multiple phone calls, doing extensive research and cutting many keys before finally having success! The owner John, personally took on this project and kept me posted for the entirety of the process. I know for a fact that many companies would have given up, apologized and wished me luck. Pop-a-lock Boston, Dorchester did not do this and is proof that authentic customer service still exist in 2017. Thank you Pop-a-lock!
Experienced, efficient & professional.
Zoey Koko’s Pamper Pouches were a creative, unique idea for my 9 year olds birthday party! She has always wanted a spa party, and the kits were the perfect solution. Hosting the party at my house was convenient, the girls had a blast and the Zoey Koko Pamper Pouches doubled as goody bags!
Keleigh is the best! Whether it’s a wax, spray tan or facial I always leave Allure more than happy with the results. She is super accommodating and will stay late to work around my schedule which is totally appreciated. I can’t say enough about how great it was to find an aesthetician who just gets it. I haven’t had services by anyone else but everytime I walk in, everyone is so friendly and welcoming and the salon itself is so relaxing.
I could not be more pleased with my highlights and cut! I have very dark hair and wanted to go much lighter. I figured it would take a few visits but was able to achieve it with one visit! My cut makes my hair feel so much more healthy and the color matches my complexion perfectly!! Everyone at the salon was so friendly and the woman at the desk was more than patient with me!! Thank you!!
Steven had colored, styled my hair for longer than I remember!and he runs an excellent, welcoming shop. The other stylists are also good and FLIP is most attractive and well kept. Try it!
I had a great experience with Hair on Point, and Tracy did a beautiful job with my color! This was my first visit to Hair on Point and I was definitely pleased with her work. She was patient and spent time with me, and explained everything she was doing. Cindy is great too. I will definitely be back!
I love Keldara salon and Spa! The atmosphere is wonderful and my stylist Bizz Wagner is amazing!! I would highly recommend Keldara!
The salon itself has a relaxing atmosphere with a trendy artsy feel. I felt very welcomed by the warm staff. My root touch up was a spot on color match and the products the salon carries left my hair feeling very healthy and soft. I had Katrina as my colorist. She is very sweet and knowledgeable and took good care of me. I will surely be back and most highly reccomend !
I cannot put into words how happy I am to have found this gem of a salon! I have been a salon hopper, mostly because I’ve never found a place that I’ve felt comfortable in…until now! Philosophe is amazing! Everyone is welcoming, fun and friendly. It is clear that they all work well together and enjoy being at work! Book an appointment with Emily & you won’t be disappointed!
Had an amazing experience at Tease. I don’t trust a lot of people with my hair. I came in very nervous and Destinee put me at ease and did an amazing job on my hair. I will definitely be returning.
I love love love this place. It feels like a back bay salon and not like the cookie cutter typical hair dressers you see all the time. I love the ambiance with the plant frame and the earthy feel. One of the owners blow dried my hair the first time and we just immediately cliqued! She knew exactly how I wanted my hair to be styled and the style lasted through the next day! Sophia also worked on me on another day and she is so super bubbly and sweet and made the most perfect curles! I am super fussy so I am very very happy to have found my new hair salon!
Just had a Mango facial with Kathy, it was wonderful, relaxing and she does a great job.
Van has been my nail technician for over 7 years now. Even though I live over 33 miles away from Milton, she and her sisters are well worth the drive (almost weekly for me). I have tried to find a nail salon that is closer to me. However, after trying many different salons (even few on Newbury Street), I’ve determined that NO ONE does manicures and pedicures like these sisters! Their paint technique and attention to details (like cuticles) is like NO other place. I am extremely particular when comes to my nails (my cuticles grow out in a week’s time and most places cannot/will not remove them appropriately). This is mostly because of the high standard they’ve provided for me. Van, Trinh and Lon ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS deliver! Once you’ve received service from them, you will not be satisfied with anything less. On a personal note, these ladies are the hardest working, most dedicated young ladies I know. I am truly proud of them!
great place to get your day of beauty!!!!! from head to toe.
Winnie is the best! I have a severe allergy to lavender: her salon is the only one I’ve found that doesn’t use lavender in their wax! Always great results.
This place was a GOD SEND!!! Very clean and professional. Dr. Joseph is well educated, and her husband The Head Hygienist “CB” is equally so. He will make sure you floss! The support staff is great, Carol the office manager is a little rough around the edges, but means well, and has a good heart. They have done so well with my child, I am now a patient there too! Proud to have such a place in ‘da ‘hood.
Thanks Dr. Sweeney of getting my teeth into shape! I was surprised on how few appointments it took and how focused you were on making sure I was going to be happy with the end look. Top notch job!
I just became a new patient at Harte Dental, and as a very apprehensive dentist-goer, the experience was more than reassuring! Everyone is so friendly and polite! I had Danielle and Dr. Kimberly Harte, and I cannot say enough good things about them! They play great music while you’re there, and Dr. Harte has a particularly good voice. Entertainment is key when there are like five different things in your mouth.
I’ve been a customer here for 5 years now and the staff is absolutely fantastic! They are always friendly and welcoming. They take great pride in quality patient care and keep the office very clean. Katy is the best hygienist ever! I was a dental “Phobe” prior to coming here. Give it a shot, you won’t be disappointed.
I can say that John Murphy had me when I was 7 years old all the way till I was 16, he was the best dentist I’ve ever had! I have so much memories being in that office! Didn’t realize this office is still there and you will definitely be hearing from!
I loved the fact that they accommodated my whole family on the same day. All the staff are very nice and professional and the office is kid friendly and very clean. I highly recommend Perfect Dental!
Dr. Rabbat is so gentle and the staff is great. I would highly recommend her to all my family and friends.
Dr. Jeffrey Greenberg is a consummate professional. I met him during a hands-on continuing education class that he attended. I admired his desire to constantly learn and become a better clinician. Would recommend going to see him at Seaport Dental!
Love Dr. Martin! He’s the best. So polite, patient and tell us you step by step what he is doing or about to do.
Two days of updates and training for Hispano Americans, really nice experience.
I have been missing two of my front teeth since I can remember, maybe 16 years or so. Thanks to South Shore Oral Surgery, today is the day I will have come home with a beautiful smile. A painless procedure, and a super kind staff who were all very patient with my 50 questions. Big thanks to Dr. Lustbader, I couldn’t be happier!
Fantastic and very skilled surgeon. Uses the most advanced techniques and technology for his patients. Great team all around
I’ve been to adore me twice and was thrilled with the results twice. I saw Maria both times and she is an extremely talented colorist and stylist and also just a really nice person. I am a picky hair person who wants my hair to look completely natural and I would recommend her to anyone!
Ben’s attention to detail is second to none. He went above and beyond to understand what I was looking for and the finished product exceeded all my expectations. Ben’s professionalism coupled with his passion for the work he does is the best I’ve ever seen and worked with. He’s become my go-to guy and I cannot recommend him enough.
Fran is awesome! It’s the only hour of the week that I’m not stressed or aggravated. Her gentle yoga class is wonderful – the perfect combination of stretching, poses, meditation and peacefulness. Her voice is so soothing…and I love the flexibility of taking another class if you can’t make your designated time. Highly recommend!
Fran is great at describing the safest way to be in a pose and always offers variations so that you always feel that you can participate at any level. Her class is welcoming, warm and rejuvenating.
I’m a Yoga novice (the one who keeps falling over) and hooked now! Fran’s class is my first “practice.” Oh, believe me, I’ve attended others elsewhere on a single-class basis — no comparison! Fran carefully prepares a focus, theme, and meditation weekly, all integrated. A consummate teacher she is. One week, our focus might be breathing, or hips, or “heart.” Her spoken-word meditations are pulpit-worthy — not preachy — DEEP, reflective, and uplifting. She provides a number of cool Yoga accessories, including basic mats if you forget yours (which I do… as I said, a novice). Fran is earnest and fun, a great communicator with a terrific sense of humor. Did I mention music? Her selections are fabulous (no goofy bells or chimes). Thank you, Fran.
We’ve used Conklin Electric a couple of times…first when we needed a few switches and outlets fixed. Dave came right out and took care of us. He was honest, fair and professional. We used him again recently when we built an addition on our home and needed all new wiring. Highly recommend!
Since the current traffic pattern has not resulted in an improvement to
the congestion in E. Milton Square, would it be feasible to reopen the overpass for a trial period and study the change, if any. The traffic
has become an overwhelming problem for the E. Milton neighborhood. We
are becoming more and more isolated from the rest of the town of Milton.
Although the state of RI made me jump through many hoops, although the state of RI ultimately prohibited me from installing affordable solar panels, SolarFlair stood by me through the whole arduous process. Specifically, Brian Hession was incredibly helpful and responsive: he walked me through each step and made sure I was comfortable and informed. I learned a lot. I really appreciate SolarFlair’s customer service and hope to work with them again (once the state of RI comes to their senses….).
Best shop in Boston hands down! Great service, no nonsense.
I have almost always taken my car to Donovan for maintenance. Not once have I ever felt disappointed nor ripped off. All of the jobs I have had this shop do have been completed in a timely manner and they were all reasonably priced. They are one of the most honest shops you will ever find.
Don is one of the most professional, coolest mechanics I have ever met. I highly recommend working with him for any sort of mechanical problem because he will always be honest with you.
People and businesses like John are few and far between. Someone who stands up for the client to get the repairs competed to the manufacturer standards not the insurance company.
They went above and beyond! My van looked brand new when I came back to pick it up. Excellent work!
We just picked up our car today and couldn’t be happier. Our driver side mirror was ripped off in an accident so we brought it here after getting recommendations from friends. Not only was the work done quickly but they also dealt with the insurance company to have additional work done on some damage the insurance adjuster missed on the original assessment. Everyone we dealt with was pleasant and efficient and they even cleaned the car inside and out – it looks great! We would definitely recommend this shop.
Always good service. I never get the run-around. What more can I say?
I love it here! I have spinal stenosis and other injuries so I come every year. Love the staff. They all listen to you and are very explanatory on why you’re experiencing pain and what to do about. Highly recommended. Both my daughter and my husband go here as well
Fantastic staff I would recommend them to anyone who wants to feel better and get stronger. They have done a great job working with my son. Thank you Elliot PT!
This place is awesome. I have been coming here since my total knee replacement and with the help of Breanna and everyone else have come a long way. I am in very little pain and its because of the program I was put on. I will be coming back here after my other knee is replaced. Thank you all for the great job you do
I have used Phil’s Floors several times to refinish our hardwood floors. I recommend him every chance I get. He is an honest guy who does an excellent job for a reasonable price.
We had an amazing 80th Birthday for my mother in law. Chis made it Amazing above and beyond the music he guided me through the whole night to get each part of the night started. Like a special dance, the birthday cake etc. and believe me, I needed that. I felt like I had a personal party planner with me. Chris was very kind and friendly to all the guests and made sure the birthday girl got all the special attention. He ended the night with her on the dance floor playing “you got a friend” while all her many grandchildren moved in for a group hug. It was so special and unforgettable. Thank you Chris and Mike You guys are the best. I give a 5 star review and will recommend you to everyone.
David Dennis has been my accountant for 10 years, I strongly recommend him and his team. He gave me some excellent advice pertaining to my law practice, and prepares my personal Tax returns. Top notch.
I have have had many homes painted but this was the best experience ever. Professional, buttoned up, friendly and my house looks fantastic. From management to the actual painters A+
Dependable, reliable, honest and does great work. We have used Heritage for multiple projects and he has become the “trusted go-to” for our extended family as well. Highly recommend Terry and the Heritage team!!!
The communication, the work, and the attention to detail was exceptional. I cannot say enough about how terrific it was working with D & D. Declan and Steve were here with their crew, and a clear message that they wanted me to be satisfied with the job. I am grateful. The crew was professional, and did an amazing job. There are certain things that I am very particular about. This is a job well done!! I am enjoying the fruits of your labor. It looks lovely!
Let’s put it this way, if you are looking for a DJ and Drew Panico is available IMMEDIATELY stop what you’re doing and book with him. Drew listened to our vision, consulted on a desired plan of action and exceeded all expectations. I couldn’t count how many people came up to me the morning after at breakfast and asked, “Who was that DJ? He was absolutely amazing!!” The only complaint I received is that people’s feet hurt from dancing too hard. That’s the kind of complaint you want if you’re looking for your wedding to be EPIC. Don’t think, don’t consider other options, just book Panico Entertainment!!!!
I just wanted to write to say thank you for giving both of my kids a wonderful summer. My son attended Everwood for the entire 9 weeks, even though I had originally signed him up for 5! He just did not want to leave and kept coming home asking me if he could go another week. Honestly, he’d go next week if he could! My son is not one to make a long-term commitment to anything; he usually signs up for things, gets bored after a couple of weeks and pleads not to go. But with camp, on Sunday nights he’d say, “I have camp tomorrow!” and couldn’t wait to get back. That tells me how much fun he was having.
As for my daughter, this was her first summer at home in 6 years and we knew it would be different than her years at overnight camp. She couldn’t have made a better choice for her summer. She loved being a counselor and it was a really great first job. Every night she’d come home and tell us about something she’d done that day “because my girls wanted me to.” These were things that she might not have been adventurous enough to do on her own when she was a camper, but she wanted her girls to have fun, so she did it. She told us a really sweet story about one day when the bunk was walking to an activity and one of the girls came up beside her to hold her hand, which made her day. She was so nervous about doing a good job before the summer began and I could see her really grow into her role as the weeks went by.
Mr. Kent did a beautiful job repairing my brick staircase. Excellent work, done quickly, on time, and for a good price. Always showed up when he said he would. Nice guy, very pleasant to deal with. A+
Really wonderful service. The coordination with Helen is great. She is quick to respond and does her best to accommodate my schedule. Anna, the supervisor, is thorough and has her crew in control. They come on time and are incredible fast. When I ask them to do any out of the ordinary cleanings, like the inside of the fridge or vacuuming under the seat cushions, they do it quickly and thoroughly. I hope to have Anna come to my house for many years to come.
I called Sunshine Maids without being a current customer and explained my situation that 100 people were about to embark on my house and I desperately needed help cleaning. Helen was at my house within the hour and had a crew of 3 two hours later. From someone whose husband remarks I should never own a white glove since I hate any dust, they did a fantastic job! We are a now a regular customer.
I recently had Mr. Kent repair my brick stairs. I’ve worked with other masons in the past and I have to say he is the best of the lot. He did excellent work, on time and for a reasonable price. He showed up when he said he would, never left any mess, and was very friendly and pleasant to deal with. Hopefully I don’t need any more mason work, but if I do he will absolutely be the one I call.
The LaBelle brothers are great at snow removal but watch out for your tulips. The bigger one likes to nibble on them a little bit.
Looking for snow removal on Thacher StMilton
Phone listed says wrong number
Hi Loraine, this business may have changed their contact information since it was entered into our directory. You could try this number: 978-373-6797 or 978-375-6879.
Ed played music for a small event of mine. He read the crowd absolutely perfectly and played the right music at the right time while also adhering to the “no play list.” And he’s an all around friendly, fantastic guy. Highly recommended.
Called because my main outdoor garden spigot blew and was planting. Mr Darcy called me right back. He came to evaluate the situation which involved replacing the line to the outside and we agreed that it was not an emergency and I could wait a few days. He came on a Sat. (“because it’s going to get hot”) so and did the work speedily, and efficiently and in a crawl space! Showed me the broken line as well. Will certainly use his services again.
He does lousy work, over charges, and doesn’t stand behind his work (ducks complaints). The only people that seem to write positive reviews are his girlfriend and relatives.
A title without gender reference is much preferred; selectmen is a colonial throwback and should be relegated to history as it is no longer reflective of our society. And to those who might believe that it doesn’t matter, yes it does matter as an inclusionary concept.
I am amazes that in 2018 this should be an issue. Nantucket recently voted to rename the Board of Selectmen to Select Board in April of this year. Brookline did the same thing last November. So, I think we can all agree that although Select Board may be a bit “clunky”, it is more than time to come up with another name. Town Trustees is nice, and sounds a bit more elegant than Executive Board. But let’s stop delaying and make the change now!
DJ Drew of Panico Entertainment Boston was simply amazing at our 20th anniversary party. He knew exactly what to play and is the nicest, most down to earth guy ever! A friend of mine referred me to Drew after using him at her wedding and I’m so happy I took her advice and chose him to DJ our anniversary! I only have good things to say!
I would give no stars if I could. This person said he would come at 2pm. When he did not show, we called. He said he was finishing up a job and would be there soon. Didn’t show after 3 hours and several excuses. Then stopped answering his phone. I wasted a valuable summer afternoon waiting for nothing.
This is not true because I have used this company for many years. They are very professional, and always on time. I believe this is a fake review trying to hurt a local business. That is a very shameful and bad thing to do. Bernard and his team have always been very nice and professional and have always answered my phone calls. Why would a business person ignore a phone call from a customer! that is just Stupid…!
Congrats Crosbie & family. I am sure Mary is proud of you & cheering!
Best wishes to you & family.
Cousin Mairead Ni Chonaola & all the Conneely-Ridge family
Ms.Clark’s professionalism and reliability are unmatched. Her marketplace knowledge is strong and she is a great listener! She met all our requirements and got us the perfect apartment in Backbay. She is a joy to work with, and her flexible schedule helped us too.
We will use her again.
Bob promptly returned my call and set a time to come. He was close to on time for the appointment and solved my dryer problem in no time. He was polite and professional. I would give him 5 stars if I knew the going rate for such a visit but I think his price was probably very reasonable.
Bill is terrific! He Has helped us on two occasions and is incredibly responsive and caring. We highly recommend him and Shamrock!
Read the article on the SCOOP…gets me thinking!!!! You mentioned you had favorite coffee but I didn’t see any listed. Any chance you could email me your favorites. Thanks
Karen, did you scroll down on the article? All of my favorites are listed there. 😉
This business owner ripped me off after the storms and flooding in March, 2018. He took advantage of my wife and me. We are both retired, and I am in my 70’s. He knew how to scam both me and my insurance company. He talked me out of $14,000 for a $4,000.00 repair! Disgraceful!
I had several problems two years ago. I ordered pink and purple frosting and they gave me red and purple. I ordered a delivery pizza and they called to say they could not deliver. I was told one price for cupcakes and then called back to be told a different price after I had already ordered. And then I send someone to pickup cupcakes for my son’s birthday and was given a fraction of the order. Upon calling I was told that the person forgot to add the rest and now I was already charged for the order so I could swing by and grab the rest. Very disappointed with the lack or desire to fix problems that are based on their personnel.
We’ve hired Dan for a number of jobs in our new-to-us home. He’s always been prompt, communicative, explains everything clearly and pricing estimates have been accurate and fair. We will only hire him from here on out!
Big shout out to Milton Auto Repair. Helped my wife put on a spare after a blowout, then stuck around past closing during the holidays to install a new tire. All the while the guys were friendly and reassuring. An all around positive experience that seems rare these days – much appreciated.
I moved dec 2018
Main points
Office mgr is very nice
Late for scheduled move by an hour
Took 90 minutes to take apart 3 beds
Broke my daughters bed taking it apart(didn’t tell me, I discovered when reassembling)
Knicked paint off of two newly refinished side tables
Didn’t have a ramp which slowed them down significantly.
I would not recommend.
Michael Chinman handled a high-speed traffic citation (90+ mph) and a serious police criminal investigation, for two people I referred to him. In both cases, complete exoneration and client satisfaction.
Fran is a life-saver for mind and body!
Fran has been my teacher for about four years now, and as I tell anyone who’ll listen, she’s a dynamic teacher and a lovely spirit. Her classes are filled with equal parts challenge (which she always shows us to adapt to our individual needs), reflection, and laughter. What a joy to work with and learn from her!
I spoke with him once and after that he never responded to any of my calls or messages despite telling me that we would set something up to meet. I am very disappointed. Courtesy to at least tell someone you are not interested in the job.
I have had the pleasure to know Fran for more than 13 years. Along the way, she has been an extraordinary person, generous friend and genuine yoga teacher. I always leave her class saying “that is exactly what I needed.” The poses, flow, and reflections combine to stretch and open my body, ease my mind and increase my well-being. Each class is unique, flowing from her heart and deep conviction to inspire her students. I am grateful for her approach to yoga and life, and for connecting me to myself and my passion for yoga. Thank you Fran!
Agreed to plow for season. Never showed up. Didn’t return texts, phone calls or Facebook messages as to why. Left me scrambling to find someone else.
How does a 14-story building — with East German styling — fit into the New England culture and landscape of Milton? This is an atrocious display of greed as well as poor architectural and community planning. A studio for $3,900?! For that price, you can rent an entire 3-bedroom home with a granite kitchen in Milton. And if my memory serves me correctly, it was several years ago that we couldn’t even get a mixed-use and medical commercial building on Route 138 because it would spoil the aura of Milton. Yes, progress must happen but at who’s expense?
Maybe take a quick peek at your calendar?
JJ has been doing our taxes for the last two years – he has been friendly, knowledgeable and extremely helpful, especially as I transitioned into being a small business owner. I highly recommend him!
Paid $300 upfront (big mistake) for a couple of visits and no follow up. Rats in compost pile are still there. I have all of Bill’s empty traps lying around my yard and have called four times now. Am reporting to Town Hall in Milton who recommended him as a licensed professional. Very disappointing.
We met Jennifer at an open house a few weeks back and she has been so knowledgeable on the houses in the area and was able to give us all the info on the house we saw that day in Scituate, even though it didn’t end up being the home for us if we didn’t already have an awesome agent of our own we would have used her. Will definitely being recommending her in the future to our family and friends
Always the latest new equipment. Everyone is very pleasant and considerate of their customers
I must admit that this ride was great. He was friendly his cab was spotless. The think it was a new car because the seats were really comfortable. The AC was working too. He waspromt and polite. I highly recommend them for rides. I took it to and then arranged my ride home too.
Thank you very much for your feedback on my company. We try and be the best we can all the time.
A bunch of one-sided half truths. In this letter, Mr. Dunn says he got the Melinda email from the town after the final hearing. If you ask anyone else who was there in court, and I have, Mr. Dunn’s attorney gave the email to the magistrate at the final hearing, questioned Dr. Christiansen about it, and then the magistrate ruled ‘no cause’, that nothing Dunn claimed fit the elements of the accused crimes. So who gave the email to Dunn before the final hearing? Was this investigation done with tax dollars simply to help Dunn try to build a case about an appointee who loaned her cell phone to a friend? And she resigned, was not terminated. Prior to her resignation Dr. Christiansen had also requested to the Select board that an open meeting be scheduled and asked that it be during a weekday evening when other residents also could attend, but this request was ignored. Time to move on and work to solve problems, not create more.
Hi Andrea:
Thanks for your comment. You’d almost think Cindy Christiansen wrote it herself. I found out about the email when the town’s investigator discussed it with me when I was interviewed by her in January. I put in my public records request after that interview. I did not receive the email and other responsive materials until after the hearing. The email is not in the court records because I didn’t have it then. I’m not surprised, however, that Christiansen, who was clearly untruthful with Select Board Member Collins, or her witnesses, whose truthfulness was expressly questioned by the magistrate, might tell a different story. The court record will prove them wrong. If I did have it, Christiansen would have faced much sterner questioning on it.
As it was, based on my discussion with the investigator, my lawyer asked Christiansen about the email in court. Here’s how it went:
Atty. Turco: And you told Melinda Collins, from the Town of Milton, in an e-mail that you went to Phil’s house?
Christiansen: Yes, I did go to Phil’s house that morning. I sure did.
Atty. Turco: Okay. So, you’re saying that you told her you went that morning, not that night for the call? So, you went to his house in the morning, and he went to your house at night; is that your testimony?
Christiansen: That’s the truth.
Based on the fact that Christiansen’s email to Select Board Member Collins puts her at Johenning’s house dialing him into the 7:45PM board call, this statement that she made before the court doesn’t look like the truth to me at all. Clearly, that’s a pattern here.
Per the Select Board statement, Christiansen didn’t meet with the investigator and didn’t show up at the executive session meeting to defend herself, but instead resigned from one of her three town positions the day before. She was terminated from the other two the next day for inappropriate conduct based on the investigation’s findings. I have heard a few people say that the town should send Christiansen the bill for the investigation since she was clearly untruthful and the investigation resulted in her being terminated for misconduct.
My best to Paul and family.
My family has been very happy with everybody at Harte Dental. Dr. Kimberly Harte is very gentle and informative. The office is modern and their hours make scheduling a breeze! I highly recommend Harte Dental!
This is the most genius workout ever! I’m so excited to be a part of it!
Know this guy for years one of the most honest dedicated individuals I know
Lauren catered a baby shower at my home for 11 guests and everything was just perfect. Her assistant Marie came early to set up and stayed late to clean up. The food was delicious, the service was amazing, and I didn’t have to wash a single dish! Lauren was flexible with my constraints (the mom-to-be is gluten-free), and her prices were completely reasonable. I cannot recommend her highly enough.
After touring the gym and meeting the staff, I cannot believe how smart this concept is. How has no one invented something like this before? I can’t wait to start!
I had a relatively small job to be done. Needed repair of crumbling horsehair plaster in a 100+ year old house. Seamus called me back quickly, came when he said he would, understood what I was looking for, gave a reasonable estimate which he stuck to, did a great job, and is a super nice guy. Highly recommended.
I have the 3qt Instant pot and use it all the time.
We love Erin and the way she is with our big dogs – not everyone can handle big breeds the way she can! You can count on Erin to be reliable, super fun, and responsive to your specific needs. We highly recommend Big Mutts w Wiggly Butts for all your pet care needs!
Erin is at the top of a very short list of people who I trust with my fur babies. She’s loving, reliable, and knows how to handle all types of doggie personalities (read one party animal and one selective dog here). My dogs are both America Bulldogs, weighing in at 107lb and 141lb. Erin has no problem walking them together and keeping their attention. Some days I think they like her better than me haha. But that’s ok, that’s what you want from someone who is caring for your fur babies!
I don’t usually take time to review people, but I have to make an exception for exceptional professionals. Paul is not only a skilled electrician, he is kind, professional, prompt and reasonably priced. He stands by his work and is reliable. I cannot say enough other than I wish everyone was this good.
Great service, friendly, knowledgable and they genuinely care about your satisfaction. I have used them for years (ivory color carpets) and am so impressed every time they come out to clean a carpet or a piece of furniture. Highly recommend them! Kathy W. …… They are prompt, very knowledgeable, will spend the time to explain everything and their results are outstanding. Stains that no one else ever could get out are all gone. My rugs look like new Judy R. …….. Alec came today to clean some carpets that were over due for cleaning. I wasn’t sure if they were worth cleaning or not. Boy I was surprised. They haven’t looked this good since I bought them. I’ve had other companies clean them before but never with such great results. Alec has me for a client for life after seeing his magic. I will be calling him next month to clean my upholstery. Can’t wait. Need a great carpet cleaner in Wellesley, he’s your man.
John is my go to guy for all things landscaping for the past few years. Does an excellent job with mowing the lawn and doing Spring and Fall clean up’s. John has also assembled some tools for me – all done in a super quick timeframe. Hire John – you will not regret it.
Tim and his team did the most amazing job in my back yard. They transformed it into a beautiful oasis with new patio, fencing, walls, steps, grass. Still in awe and love the new space. I cannot say enough about these guys – hire them! Thanks Tim and team!
I had Costa’s paint my house. Great job. Professional painters for sure. They showed up on the promised start date and finished quickly. They repaired and replaced rotten wood and replaced the gutter and downspouts. They are quiet and clean up after every day’s painting. I had a question about one of the gutters and Adlison sent a guy out to address my concern. Their quoted price was competitive. I will gladly have them do more painting for us.
I hired Shamrock to clean gutters after being told this is another service they provide. They knocked a downspout off during the cleaning process and failed to respond to numerous phone calls to reconnect it.
….and you gave them 5 stars??
I agree and will try to make these meetings. The development in Milton is out of control. The traffic is out of control. That is where our focus needs to be, not added more housing. The feel and suburbaness of our town is changing for the worst. I love love love Milton, but as more development is happen, we are losing the charm of the town. That is why I live here but it is becoming more of an issue getting from point A to point B in this town.
My daughters have all thoroughly enjoyed Mel O’Drama. Mel and everybody who works for her all ensure the atmosphere is both fun and inclusive. Oh, and they get to learn drama, dance, singing, and a love of performance as well! Always a positive experience – very highly recommended!
We are extremely happy with Costa’s work on our balcony, stoop and roof. He quickly assessed the problem with water running off the roof and proposed an effective solution that we agreed with. His estimate was reasonable and we paid exactly what he said. Costa showed up when he said he would, did the work quickly and beautifully. A number of our neighbors and others praised the quality of the work and our house looks much better with the improvements. We highly recommend Costa and he is a cool dude.
This is an outstanding place for dental care. My dental emergency happened (of course) during the first weeks of the Covid-19 closure, and every possible safety precaution was taken. I received excellent, thorough care from Dr. Jien Cha, and very warm and professional attention from the team – and even met Barbara! The office was very clean, and nicely appointed. From the moment I first walked in, I felt very comfortable – not always the case at a dentist’s office! Thank you Harte Dental!
As someone who used to go to places like Dr. dental and gentle dental, Harte Dental is a breath of fresh air! Very professional, the longest I have ever had to wait was 30 seconds, unlike the other dentist where you have to wait 45 minutes or so. Equipment is very up-to-date and high-tech, and they recently installed extra air filters to reduce any risk of coronavirus. Very hygienic and safe! I would recommend! Also, Dr. Kimberly has been known to sing while treating patients!
See reviews at
Megan and Stephen are outstanding “dog whisperers”, so caring and loving of the dogs in their care that they actually came over to help my husband bury our beloved “Oscar”, a Cairn Terrier who had the good fortune of being the recipient of the Adley’s Personal attention and deep-seated affection.
Kara was extremely helpful to us as first time home buyers! She was patient and informative and was able to get us to viewings right away all over the greater Boston area. I have no idea how she did it, but she was johnny on the spot with everything and we’re so appreciative! She let us express opinions, ask questions, and sort out what we needed to know. In this crazy market during COVID she made the process simple and not stressful, which was really important for us with a bunch of other stuff going on. We cannot recommend her enough for new or seasoned home buyers alike; she is a fantastic partner!
These guys are the best. Very responsive, fair pricing and a pleasure to work with. I would 100% recommend them.
We use John Driscoll and have been extremely happy. He is a Milton resident and his prices are always very fair and his employees are hard workers. He does the landscaping at St. Elizabeth’s church.
Robbie and his crew were great!! Scheduled the job quick, great price, on time, and clean!! Did an amazing job on my roof and will be calling them at some point to do my floors. Nice and polite bunch of guys who work hard and get the job done fast and expertly! I would highly recommend Coast to Coast to anyone looking for a dependable and skilled company.
The poll is missing the choice of hand delivering a mailed ballot to the ballot collection box at Town Hall.
That option has been added!
DeeDee is the gentlest dentist ever. I am very anxious when I get dental work done and she is patient, kind, and super competent. Her staff are wonderful as well and everybody is excellent with children.
Driscoll landscaping has been part of my life since I was a teenager. I worked for this Company. It (and I) has its origins in Milton, Mass but also serves surrounding areas like me, now in Quincy. Johns employees work very hard and deal with all the work we just don’t or can’t do for our properties (argh…allergies!). They also do snow removal. Shout out to an old boss! And to a co worker and best friend RIP named like me, Mike.
Hello. splendid job. I did not anticipate this. This is a splendid story.
John got us a great rate and made the process easy. Even the person from the lawyer’s office who came to do the closing was impressed by the rate and the low costs. She hadn’t seen anything like what we got in all her recent closings. John was also very responsive and kept us up to date on the status of our application. I had a few questions late one evening. I didn’t expect all the answers that late, but he came back with the answers and a spreadsheet with some analysis he had done for us. It worked out great for us. Thanks!
Best Kids Dentistry in the greater Boston area.
Trying to find a home health care agency that actually delivers on their promises for your loved one can be frustrating and exhausting, especially for family caretakers “passing the torch” and relinquishing care to a complete stranger.
Like many, our top priority was ensuring our mom would be comfortable physically and mentally under their care, engaged with, and treated with dignity and respect.
Within 15 minutes of talking with Colette (owner), we knew we had found the right agency and our fears and anxieties were dispelled. By the end of the conversation, it became incredibly clear why It’s Good To Be Home is set apart from their competition: they take their service personally, and deliver it professionally. We hired them on the spot, and it’s been the BEST decision we could have made for everyone involved.
As a matter of fact, in over a year of working with It’s Good to be Home, we have had NONE of the worries that typically come with agencies: no shows/late cancellations, babysitting v/s care-giving, no communication, lack of health monitoring and tracking for family, etc.
What we DID experience was professionalism, kindness, and knowledge that went well beyond the requirements of a home health aide. We are incredibly grateful to Colette and her team for their dedication to and genuine concern for our mom – and for the positive impact they make in her life every single day.
My 90 y.o. Father in law was in need of some companionship, and some structure in his day. We notified Its Great to be Home and used them 4 days a week for 4 hrs. a day. He had the same care giver come to assist him with meals, errands, and light housework. She was a blessing in disguise as they quickly became good friends. Her visits provided peace of mind knowing he would have a reason to get up every day and someone to oversee his activities of daily living. She drove him to the grocery store, post office, or to whatever errands he needed to do.
It’s Great to be Home provides much needed services to the elderly in a professional, respectful manner. We increased the hours as he aged and needed more care. I would highly recommend using Its Great to be Home for anyone in need of elderly care for a family member.
Here here! Helping small businesses and creating a walkable town square atmosphere sounds like a great initiative and a win win for the community.
One of the best decisions we made was hiring Leslie Will as our Real Estate Agent. From pricing to staging Leslie was spot on. When it came to strategy and marketing Leslie’s approach was based on her deep experience of what works and does not. There are a thousand details that came up of which Leslie kept perfect track. And she kept us on track because as anyone who has moved knows it is a Lot! Finally, Leslie’s gracious manner and knowledge of Milton and surrounding areas makes her a helpful, friendly greeter for all prospective buyers. We were very happy start to finish working with Leslie and Coldwell Banker.
We feel so blessed to have been introduced to Collette and her company. Our dad was at end of life fairly suddenly and was transported back home from out of state. Collette provided immediate reassurance and services to get our dad settled, manage his meds and provide comfort to our large extended family. I personally had the honor of spending one of his life nights with Collette by our side, keeping him comfortable and helping to ease my loss. Though her services were short term, she could not have been more competent, professional, respectful and understanding of what was needed not just for my dad but for my mother, myself, siblings and our families. I have recommended her often to others in need and will continue to do so.
We found Leslie to be the ideal Real Estate broker for selling our home which had been in the family for 68 years; no small feat. She is very experienced, knowledgeable, and professional, with a calm, steady, and diplomatic nature.
Leslie was invaluable guiding and helping us with staging. She interfaced with town offices and handled a complicated Title V septic situation masterfully. She recognized the best offer and led us through the process as a very trustworthy representative and liaison. We could not have chosen better.
For the past month Colette and her home health aides have done a wonderful and professional job of taking care of my elderly aunt in her home daily. Colette has been extremely responsive to my requests and other communications on behalf of my aunt. The aides have been reminding my aunt to take her morning and evening meds, which she had been forgetting to the detriment of her health. I am very happy that I chose It’s Good to Be Home agency and Colette to manage the daily home care for our dear aunt. She has removed a great deal of worry and required intervention on the part of my wife and I which is no longer a problem. I trust Colette and her aides to do a great job.
We would like to express our gratitude and appreciation to you & your team at “It’s Good To Be Home, Inc”. Your team cared for our brother at Linden Ponds in Hingham for almost eight months.
Your team of caregivers relieved our family of many stressors by providing comprehensive care within the strict COVID 19 guidelines. They not only physically cared for our brother but also accompanied him to many Doctor’s appointments as necessary. Your team provided him with a good quality of physical care including his activities of daily living along with nutritious meals/protein shakes that contributed to extending his life.
The caregivers from your company were dedicated and compassionate even when our brother’s health was deteriorating. Our brother took comfort in knowing that the home health aides were so attentive to his needs especially at the end of his life.
We would highly recommend “It’s Good To Be Home, Inc” as an home care agency for their quality of care, punctuality, patience and their compassion while taking care of a loved one who is terminally ill.
Colette and her team have been providing
in home care for my Mom for the past year. Colette is very knowledgeable and has been a great resource to our family in setting up the appropriate level of care for Mom. The in home aides are dependable, compassionate and the perfect personality fit for Mom. The Good to be Home team provides care 3 days per week which is a key reason we have been able to keep Mom at home. The in home aides have been consistent, which is appreciated and important to Mom who has Alzheimer’s. I would highly recommend
Its Good to be Home to help alleviate some of the stress and worry caring for an elder family member. Thanks to them Mom is not only happy but safe at home.
Dad is a good plumber 🙂
Colette and the staff at It’s Good To Be Home Inc. helped our family during a very challenging situation. We trusted the staff to take care of our loved one and we knew our loved one was safe. (This was especially a huge relief when the pandemic started in March 2020. Colette’s staff showed up everyday.) Colette is a very good communicator and is always available to help or lend an ear. It’s Good To Be Home Inc. took a massive amount of stress off of our family. They went grocery shopping, took my father to appointments, brought him to our houses to name a few things. I highly recommend Colette and her staff. This agency will provide a sense of relief. They provide safety. They are flexible. They communicate well and they truly care for their clients.
I was so fortunate to have hooked up with Collette and her staff. It was short notice and she did everything possible to guide my family, including 10
grandchildren, through the end of life process. It truly was a peaceful farewell. We were left with an easier transition to accepting our loss.
OUr furnace shut off – no heat. It is pretty cold out – lots of snow … Was having trouble finding a plumber to come out to the house. Found Mike the Plumber on a Milton Neighbors post. He helped me troubleshoot over the phone! Amazing and kind and honest. Even sent me pictures of to help. I can’t recommend enough. He will be our go-to plumber! Thanks so much!
We were looking for gutter replacements. Chris came out right away to take a look to provide an estimate. He seemed to want the job and was very professional, however we never heard back from him. We made several attempts to reach him by calls and text, but he never responded. How hard is it to say you can’t or do not want to do the job especially being a local company.
Dr Delany has helped me with a number of health issues. He is incredibly kind and his Procaine Therapy has helped me regain the use of my feet. From not being able to walk for 30 minutes in pain to an unbelievable 3 – 4 hours without pain! Unbelievable! I am amazingly grateful. I am 72 and have suffered with Rheumatoid Arthritis for 38 years. He also helped me with another health issue, after seeing many other doctors for years. He had the answer for that as well. I have been Blessed with finding this wonderful practice and would highly recommend.
Mary K.
We just had several of our main rooms painted by Stallion Painting and we are so, so happy with the results. Sabry was easy to get in touch with and scheduled us quickly. His team worked around our kids’ crazy hybrid school schedule and made the sure the house was clean and tidy at the end of each work day. Overall, everything went smoothly and I’ll definitely be calling them again next time I have a paint job.
Gave a free estimate with the most reasonable price for my tree trimming job. Mr. Darden and his crew were prompt, friendly, and professional. When they finished the job, they cleaned everything up and it was like they had never been there. I highly recommended this crew. This is a Black-owned business.
It was a pleasure working with Frank. He recently installed new gutters for us. Even though it was a small job, he was extremely responsive from start to finish. He was professional and followed through on everything that we had discussed. I would highly recommend his services!
Henry MacLean helped us plan not one, but two major renovations for our historic farmhouse. In 2004-2005, we added a family room and master bath over a previously separate garage, plus front entry and rear entry rooms. This project had complex challenges. Then, in 2013, he drew up plans for a remodeled kitchen, including removing walls to open up the kitchen, living room, dining room and breakfast room so that they flow together, plus needed major structural repairs to the foundation and ground floor. Henry is green-conscious, and so made many suggestions for conserving energy, utilizing sustainable energy resources and protecting the environment. Henry was creative, easy to work with and made good suggestions that enhanced the beauty, utility and aesthetic appeal of our home.
I have worked with Henry MacLean, owner of Timeless Architecture, for nearly 10 years on a number of architectural design and construction projects both large and small. Henry has exceeded my expectations every time. I will never work with another architect for any design and construction project related to my house.
Henry is a good listener and he starts each project by spending the time to really understand what my wife and I are trying to accomplish. He is not afraid to keep asking questions to make sure that we really know what we want. Sometimes this process has helped us to change our understanding of what we want. Henry has a wonderful eye for good design and he creates plans that fit within the overall design and character of our house. He produces beautiful designs and he works with us iteratively to modify and improve the designs so that we are totally happy with his ideas before we start building. Henry pays a lot of attention to detail and sweats every little detail so that the final result is perfect. His use of computer-aided design tools makes it easier for us to understand what he is proposing and quickly modify his designs iteratively.
Another important point is that Henry creates designs that take into account the complexity and costs of what he is proposing to build. He thinks like a builder and his designs are builder friendly. I have been working with the same general contractor for more than 15 years (one of the best in the Boston area) and he has always found it easy to work with Henry. The builder has told me many times that Henry is the best architect that he has worked with and the builder brings Henry into many of his own construction projects.
Here are a few examples of projects that Henry has completed for us.
Project #1 Design and construction of a two-story exterior porch and sitting room. This was an unusual project. Our house had a small second-story wooden porch that was rotting. Two doors from two bedrooms led into the porch. Henry helped is to reimagine the space and designed a beautiful and energy efficient two-story structure that looks as if it has always been a part of the house. The first story is a porch with screens in the summer and windows in the winter. It is one of our favorite rooms in the house. The second story is a sitting room/study that is connected to the two bedrooms. When they were in high school, our two kids used to argue over who could study in this beautiful room. This was our first project with Henry. I hired him after firing an architect who never understood what we were trying to do.
The exterior of the entire structure is constructed from Azek, which means that we will never have to deal with rotting wood again. The structure is designed with a beautiful copper roof and gutters and is very energy efficient (thin, efficient electric radiators in the upstairs room, thick insulation in the roof, and energy efficient, aluminum-clad Marvin windows. Henry sourced the aluminum door and window system and worked closely with the vendor to make sure that the measurement, construction, and installation was done correctly.
Project #2 Design and build new entry to garage. Our garage is a solid brick structure, but the doors were old and rotten. All of the wood framing around the doors was old and in poor shape. The end of the garage holding the doors had settled about 3 inches due to poor support. Henry helped us to redesign and rebuild the end of the garage. We had to pour a new concrete footing for a steel column and raise the end of the building about three inches. The project required a new LVL header and new framing to support installation of the new garage doors. The exterior trim around the new doors was constructed in Azek to prevent future rotting. Henry designed the exterior trim. We worked with Henry to select new copper lights that fit well with the overall design and scale of the new garage entrance and the new doors. A new bluestone and brick apron was installed to blend with our front walkway.
Project #3 Redesign of master bedroom after fire. We had a fire in our house that started in the rafters of our master bedroom and burned multiple roof rafters in the room. Henry designed a new rafter support system for the roof to meet building code. He also designed a new built-in shelf and bookcase system for the room that incorporated shelves made from 200 year old Southern pine reclaimed from the original Custom house in Boston. As a separate project, we replaced a large set of windows in the room and Henry designed the moulding and casing for the windows and selected the vendor and materials for the project.
Madcat is the bomb! She helped me clear out a storage unit after my mother passed. I had put her belongings in storage when she went into a nursing home, so in my haste to clear out her apartment, nothing was sorted, just packed up and stored. Kim was invaluable in helping me decide what was to be discarded, to be donated and to be kept! Not only that, but she dropped off the donated items for me. She kept me on track and I would head down the rabbit hole reminiscing about items and trying to decide what to do! She was a life saver and without her help, I’d still be paying for the storage unit and trying to go through all my mother’s belongings!
Kathy was instrumental in helping us win the bid for our new house. Her expertise, hard work, and diligence really shines. Love her warmth and knowledge about Milton as well.
AMAZING JOB!! These folks are the best. Well worth it.
My car looks new again.
Jody is knowledgeable, kind, patient and attentive. She cares deeply for animals and is helpful to the owners as well. She’s highly capable and one of very few people I’d trust with my beloved pet.
I can’t say enough great things about Frank! He came to diagnose the cause of a recent ceiling leak. He was honest and thorough. He figured out the problem and fixed it right there and then!
If these are supposed to be informational on “updates” and “presentation” from the Select Board, they are woefully incomplete and thus contribute to the feeling ( justified or not) that town government is not fully transparent. We are citizens and taxpayers but that should involve more explanation of the issues being presented.
To the moderator, typo occurred in my email: correct is below. Jpg
I chuckled when reading the Quinby family review, above, as “professional, with a calm, steady and diplomatic nature” perfectly describes Leslie. She is a person open to discussion and she addresses concerns and differences of opinion with grace. Yes, she is experienced and professional and had wonderful ideas about staging, and actually executed them herself! I wondered why I hadn’t thought about arranging the furniture in our library as she suggested-and implemented.
Moving house is one of life’s milestones, and it helps to surround yourself with experienced professionals who provide real help, guidance, wisdom and humor on your move to a new life. I would recommend Leslie.
Dishonest person, don’t do business with him.
Neret purchased the kitchen cabinets from us after we delivered his cabinets a couple of months
ago, we are still chasing him for the balance he owes.
If I’m a customer, I’ll run away from this company.
Not recommended it.
I love Fitness Unlimited, the atmosphere is unlike any other gym I have been in.
I called them for a dishwasher repair, they said that they do not service Milton.
I received my balance from him. That’s why I would like to update my review.
I’ve been using Stephanie for 7 years now and cannot recommend her photography services enough. She is amazing. She has photographed the major milestones of my 3 children and yearly family portraits. Not only does she capture the “big moments” of the photo shoot, she always seems to get unbelievable additional unplanned shots (that are actually some of my favorites)! She is highly responsive and professional and has a great way with children during the photo shoot.
Stephanie is AWESOME to work with. She took our family photos and was able to work easily with one crabby and another shy toddler. She made all of us feel so comfortable and the pictures came out beautiful. Would highly recommend!
Stephanie is the most incredible photographer! She’s done both of my kids newborn photo shoots and she is so patient, gentle, and artistic! I would HIGHLY recommend her to anyone looking for a newborn shoot or a family shoot!! A++
We used Stephanie Beth Photography for our maternity, newborn at birth for my 2 children and every year for annual family photo shoot. She takes the most gorgeous photos and is amazing at capturing the kids true spirit. I have photos she has taken over the years all over the house. I highly recommend Stephanie Beth Photography
Stephanie is a great photographer and an overall wonderful person. She is so kind and patient with my children. We take our family photos with her each year and I love seeing her work. She is thoughtful and easy to work with. Highly recommended!!
I can’t say enough amazing things about Stephanie! I would HIGHLY recommend her to anyone looking to get amazing shots of their newborn! Her work is absolutely incredible. Extremely professional, organized and creative.
Stephanie was amazing to work with! I hired her to do our family photos and we were all blown away. She was very professional, easy going and made the shoot fun and easy. She was very patient with my two year old daughter who was getting fussy in the cold weather. Every single picture she took is amazing!! We would definitely recommend her!!
We absolutely love Stephanie and her photography of our family is just beautiful! She can somehow make all three little ones smile and laugh and always captures the most beautiful, natural photos! She also photographed our youngest as a baby and we adore all of the beautiful pictures! She is kind, fun, and wonderful with the whole family! I can’t recommend her enough! You will be so glad you hire her!
Stephanie Beth photography is the best. Stephanie is so professional and amazing. She takes her time to make sure we get the perfect shots so we can cherish all our memories! She took engagement photos for my husband and I. She has taken my kids photos since they were newborns and she is so kind! She has taken our family holiday photos every year and we get so many compliments. They’re just so well done and her editing is amazing too. I highly recommend Stephanie for your photography needs.
Stephanie is amazing! I always recommend her to anyone with a newborn or looking for family portraits. She’s patient, warm and makes the children laugh. You feel instantly comfortable around her. Her photos come out beautiful. We love Stephanie!!
Stephanie has done newborn photos for all three of my children. I couldn’t be happier with how they all turned out. Stephanie is warm, kind and makes new parents feel at ease. She listens to requests for colors/themes and has great suggestions. She takes the time to make sure each detail is perfect. She is very responsive via email. I would highly recommend Stephanie for your child’s newborn photos. I’m looking forward to working with Stephanie again in the future for more beautiful pictures of my family.
Stephanie has taken photos for my family for years. I’ve used her for newborn photo shoots, family photo shoots and Christmas cards. We always get compliments on our photos. She is so talented and is able to engage my photo-averse children with ease. I’m so grateful for all of the photos she has provided us with. I can’t recommend Stephanie highly enough!
Stephanie is simply amazing at what she does. She’s so patient and kind when it comes to pictures with my very busy boys. Every year we do family pictures with Stephanie and she makes this experience for our family so special. I highly recommend booking with her.
Mr. Darcy is the best! He’s done a few jobs for us… they’re done well, he’s friendly and honest! Plus, I love using local independent workers versus the big conglomerates!
This ADU thing is being rammed down our throats. Nearby communities have studied and NOT implemented for very good reason. don’t be confused by the rhetoric. loved ones, partners dependents et al can stay with you. this proposal is about commercial apartments being allowed everywhere without concern for the impact on infrastructure.
Great company. I have used their services many time. Carpet cleaning and upholstery cleaning. I would recommend them highly.
He is an awesome plumber!
Bok a good guy. He com an do lot of paint stuff to us. Good money for all his his works. Now my home look like news. So nice. Thanks for your help.
We hired HTMLPanda for our website maintenance in Magento. We are happy with the improved performance of our website. It is a great experience to work with them. We highly recommend HTMLPanda for website maintenance services.
Kudos to You, Team!
Donovan Brothers are honest and reasonable and good. It’s rare to find an auto repair shop with these qualities.
“Please join the Planning Board for a public forum on the final draft of the Milton Village Design Guidelines on Thursday, August 24 at 7:00 p.m”
Unfortunately I focused on the “Thursday” and not the “24th” and tried connecting right now, only to discover this meeting was on Wednesday. Please let us all know whether there was a recording, and where we can view it.
“Please join the Planning Board for a public forum on the final draft of the Milton Village Design Guidelines on Thursday, August 24 at 7:00 p.m”
Unfortunately I focused on the “Thursday” and not the “24th” and tried connecting right now, only to discover this meeting was on Wednesday. Please let us all know whether there was a recording, and where we can view it.
I had Sue sew custom window treatments for me years ago-I love them! Her work is superior and I would recommend Sue for any type of window treatments or home decor.
Adding my name:
Liza M. Garcia, Precinct 2
Matt Spinks, Precinct 2
Adding my name
Cecille Yang, precinct 1
Cedric Honigberg, precinct 1
Very professional and courteos. We used Mr. Mata’s services for a very bad stain on new wool carpet and on our stairs. Tried him after yrs of using another familiar named service. Jimmy returns your calls and follows up a day or 2 after completed. Highly recommend.
I went to this event only to find out it had been canceled. No notice.
The owner of Gymfinity Sports Academy is not only an under qualified coach, but a thief and a liar. She is not in the business to uplift young gymnasts. She will do anything for her own daughters in the gym including break yours down so hers can win. Please do not entrust her with your child(ren)! The gym is also unkempt especially the bathrooms. They lack equipment and qualified coaches. Definitely look elsewhere!
I have been going there for years. Best brow shaping and tint I have ever had.
Great work on a custom piece. Can’t wait for my next project.
We wanted to make a website for presenting our services online. So, we partnered with HTMLPanda to convert our PSD design into a website.
We appreciate their diligent approach to tasks and their commitment to meeting client requirements. They excel in every aspect, from comprehending needs to delivering the project successfully. The website has helped us to become the leading online French content creation platform.
Good work, team.
We have had the pleasure of working with Ben at Graflix for nearly 6 years now and we are consistently impressed with his creativity and dedication. As a healthcare provider, it’s important for us to have a strong and consistent online presence, and Ben has been instrumental in helping us achieve that through his design work for our social media posts. Even through brand changes and mergers, Ben was a consistent and thoughtful partner. Ben has a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of our brand, making sure that every design he creates is not only visually appealing but also accurately represents our values and mission. Working with Ben has been an absolute joy and we couldn’t be happier with the results. We highly recommend Ben to anyone in need of a reliable and talented creative partner. Thank you for your continued commitment to our brand’s success.
Ben and Graflix have been my “go-to” for any and all custom apparel printing. Can’t speak too highly of his service!
I have been using Graflix for many years, and Ben has done a great job. Being in the hotel business we have plenty of items that we use on a daily basis. Rack cards, business cards, maps of property as well as employee uniforms with Logo. Ben is very creative he can help you design a Logo for your business, he is professional, understands my needs, and get the job done quickly. Thank you , Ben !
Ben is the best! We use him all the time for projects big and small. His communication is quick, friendly, and efficient! We haven’t run into a project that Ben hasn’t been able to complete. I have been partnering with Ben at Graflix for coupon printing, promotional items and event signage. I am constantly blown away by Ben’s quick turnaround and high-quality work. As a plant-based food producer, it’s important for us to have promotional items that are both functional and represent our brand well, and Graflix has delivered exactly that. We have gotten branded freezer gloves, large vinyl banners, and event booth signs- all which were made with top-quality materials, look great and accurately represented our brand. Ben and his team are able to expedite printing and shipping to ensuring that our coupons are delivered on time to nationwide locations. We are beyond grateful for the excellent work Ben has done and continues to do for us. Thank you for helping us achieve our marketing goals Ben!!!
As the owner and coach of a local soccer training academy, Hermes Lima Soccer Academy, I had the privilege of working with Ben and his team at Graflix. Their expertise and creativity were an invaluable asset to our academy. Ben made sure that my design ideas for coaches shirts, car bumper magnets, and business cards were brought to life with precision and imagination. The apparel screen printing was outstanding, with bold and vivid colors, perfect for our brand and the coaches loved the shirts. The car bumper magnets were made with durable materials and the business cards were professional and sleek, representing our academy in a positive light. I would recommend Ben at Graflix to anyone looking for creative services. Thank you for your exceptional work, Ben and Graflix!!!
Brian recently repaired my maytag washing machine in no time! I am so grateful because i love my machine and did not like what is out there for washers! He is now my go to guy for appliance repair! Thanks again Brian.
Does not honor discount when advertised, unless sign CONTRACT for a higher amount then will ghost you
Can’t say enough great things about the experience my daughter has had at Everwood over the past 4 summers. The staff is great at getting all the kids engaged and making the day fun. Very well staffed, which with all the water sports is important to me. If they are paddle boarding for example, their camp counselors are with them, but there are also separate life guard staff present which is the safest approach for everyone. Staff encourages kids to try new things, supports positive peer interactions and bring lots of positive energy to the day.
I would highly recommend Dr. Coble at Sea Legs Integrative Veterinary Health. I had brought my cats in for acupuncture, which Dr. Coble was highly knowledgeable, explained everything thoroughly, and was patient and kind to my cats. My cats did very well during the session and experienced a calm and relieving experience. This new facility caters to pain management, rehabilitation, urgent care appointments and also wellness visits. The staff was very friendly and also very knowledgeable. The facility itself is very clean, located in a convenient location with plenty of parking, and the prices are reasonable compared to other practices around the area. It’s a great place to bring your cats and/or dogs, to make sure that they receive the best care.
I too wondered about US. I am glad you explained it bc it was not clear. I am not one of the US. But either way happy new people are engaged and it would be further insightful to know more about what these new people intend to do bc that would be insightful, if you follow so closely, please enlighten us, with what these new members want for Milton…
My take: people in favor of the land swap and new schools came out in droves to vote for those candidates who held the same views. Similarly, those in favor of the land swap and new schools organized and campaigned hard for their causes.
Has taken a substantial deposit and disappeared completely. Do not hire.
Called Frank yesterday and he came right away. Great guy, super helpful, responsive and affordable. Highly recommend.
DMS did not prep the work correctly and when I attempted to speak to them David became difficult to work with. I had to request he leave my property and now he has my money.
Can you please contact me- there are several of us he cheated and we are banding together
I have used Graflix multiple times over the past few years and each time have been exceptionally happy with Ben and his work. Although my projects have been small (e.g., printing a single poster), he has approached them with great thoughtfulness and attention to detail and has turned them around very quickly. I highly recommend Ben and love being able to support a fellow Milton resident!
Capital Construction does NOT honor their warranty. They put siding on my house and left me with broken board, and nails/screws that rust. They are however very good at misogynist behavior.
Hi Claire ,
We do not have your information to reach out to you directly .
Please contact our office directly to discuss further Ph 617 319 1225 -ext 208
Thank you
Colette was incredibly rude and disrespectful to us. Low Class. Company. They obviously don’t do background checks because the two employees we got STOLE from us. I have it on video tape. Be warned, She charged us for EVERYTHING. parking, Uber, parking tickets etc. i filed a police report Don’t deny it Colette.
I hired Molloy to do a fall cleanup and to help with the maintenance of our large yard.
I’m an avid gardener with a lot that is a combination of woodlands, garden beds, and grasses yard.
I’m really happy with the attention paid to my unique requests and the that the crew onsite communicated with me about their progress.
Also, not to be under appreciated, is the staff who handles customer calls and gets back with updates and answers promptly.
Just starting this relationship with 4 stars but I anticipate a 5 star review is in the making!
My two granddaughters have been with Gymfinity since they opened. The owner is amazing, the coaches take the time to help each child and focus on their individual needs, and we couldn’t be happier. Check them out, you will be glad you did.
I would have preferred to leave a great review but I can not. I only wish I knew why after charging $100 and it not working again after one load it started doing the exact same thing it was doing before I called for service. My problem is promising to show up 3 days in a row to look at it again and then not taking my call. Things happen, I understand that, but not showing to fix it is not right.
Worked with John Cooper Paving and Sealing and the team is amazing. Very professional and ontime.
I have used Phil’s Floors twice to refinish the hardwood floors in our home. He is very professional and gets back to you without delay. His team is extremely professional… they do an excellent job and the cleanup is amazing. I highly recommend them!
Is there a way to report such scammers? I’ve been getting the same kind of messages and would like to find a way to shut them down!
You can certainly report a scam profile and a scamp post. Unfortunately, Facebook doesn’t generally do much about these scams:
The whole team is very nice and willing to listen to their clients requests, I see Brenda regularly but have also seen Stephen and recently Jill did a perfect job on a special hairdo for a corporate event.