Share the Scene:Milton Historical Society displays World War II poster art exhibit at the Milton Public Library In commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the…
Share the Scene:Milton Youth Hockey announces the Bruins alumni hockey game Saturday October 24, 2015 @ 4:00 pm at Ulin Rink Game tickets: $10.00 each Benefit…
Share the Scene:September Programs for Adults at Milton Public Library The Milton Public Library is offering several fun and educational programs for adults during the month…
Share the Scene:Did you miss it? Watch the Milton Planning Board meeting now! The August 27th Planning Board meeting is now available to watch on Milton…
Share the Scene:Town of Milton to conduct smoke testing In order to improve reliability in sewer services, the Milton Department of Public Works has carried out…
Share the Scene:From the Desk of Milton Public Schools Superintendent Mary Gormley: On Wednesday night, as part of the School Committee meeting, we were pleased to…
Share the Scene:Fall is enroute, and with it, many school sports. Learn about preventing and treating sports injuries from our local expert. Written by the…
Share the Scene:Milton DPW is hosting Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day on Saturday, September 12. This is a well-attended event by our residents, and a great…