Share the Scene:Paving scammer Michael Connors arrested in Quincy. Shared from the Quincy Police Department Facebook page. Bad news: One of our elderly residents has fallen victim…
Share the Scene:Milton’s Adult education programs: Learn French, jumpstart a career transition, or get comfortable with your camera. All with your Milton Neighbors! A message…
Share the Scene:Portions of Canton Ave. to close through October Please be advised that portions of Canton Avenue between Atherton Street and Brush Hill Road will…
Share the Scene:Blue Hills State Reservation Draft Deer Management Plan public meetings will take place as follows: Thursday, September 24, 2015 – 6:30 p.m. – 8:00…
Share the Scene:From the Desk of Milton Public Schools Superintendent Mary Gormley: Our Special Education department is undergoing a program review this fall. The district…
Share the Scene:Notice of Cancellation of Public Hearing Scheduled September 21, 2015, on License Application for Aashvi Corporation, D/b/a Milton Food Mart The Public Hearing scheduled…
Share the Scene:Norfolk County Register of Deeds William P. O’Donnell to hold Milton office hours. Norfolk County Register of Deeds William P. O’Donnell will hold Office…
Share the Scene:Should Milton’s soliciting policy be changed? You spot the guy with the name badge and clipboard six houses down. Quickly, you hustle your children inside…