Share the Scene:BOSTON, MA – The recent Omnibus bill passed in Congress and signed by President Obama included language that requires the Federal Aviation Administration…
Share the Scene:8 year old hero and siblings in need On Thursday, December 17, two Hudson Street families lost everything during a fire which engulfed both…
Share the Scene: On Thursday, December 17, a Hudson Street family lost everything during a fire which engulfed their apartment, located in a two-family Milton…
Share the Scene:Shared from Adam Reilly, WGBH News. Tired Of Noisy Days And Nights, South Shore Residents Challenge FAA After Cindy Christiansen moved from Brookline…
Share the Scene:Physical therapist and Milton resident Daryl Elliot urges reduction or elimination of physical therapy co-pays On Tuesday, December 8, physical therapists, including Milton…
Share the Scene:Registration is now open for all ages for the Milton National Little League 2016 Spring season. This includes tee ball/rookie ball, which is…
Share the Scene:Milton Public Schools classified as Level 2. Milton High School and Collicot Elementary schools classified as Level 1. The Massachusetts Department of Education classifies all Massachusetts…
Share the Scene:From the Desk of Milton Public Schools Superintendent Mary Gormley: What should families know about PARCC, state testing, and Accountability Levels? There has been…