Share the Scene:Dear friends, I have decided to run for State Representative to represent the Massachusetts 7th. Norfolk District, Milton Precincts 3 to 10 and…
Share the Scene:Milton Neighbors Social: April 12, 2016 Location: ester, Lower Mills Time: 7:30 p.m. Come hang out with your Milton Neighbors in person! Please join…
Share the Scene:Milton Neighbors activity at a standstill Once popular, the Milton Neighbors Facebook group has recently become like an internet ghost town. At its…
Share the Scene:Neighbors – welcome to the Milton Scene’s “Milton Faves 2016” Voting! Based off of completely neutral criteria, here are the Milton Scene’s “Milton…
Share the Scene:Traffic experts from the Massachusetts Department of Transportation announced the trial closing of Granite Avenue, effective May 1st, from Squantum Street to the…
Share the Scene:Milton Parks and Recreation is hosting a Foxwoods trip on April 29 Try your luck at Foxwoods Resort and Casino. Friday, April 29, 2016…
Share the Scene:**Note: If you cannot attend, please post your questions in the comments! Milton neighbors encouraged to attend talk on health impacts of airplane pollution…
Share the Scene:Marilyn Masterson will display her wall hangings and other hand-sewn pieces for Milton Neighbors to enjoy During April 2016, Milton resident and quilter…