Share the Scene:Milton Town Hall holiday hours for 2016: Milton Town Hall will be closed Friday, December 23 at 10:45 a.m. and all day Monday, December…
Share the Scene:Listed below please find checks sent from the Town of Milton that have not been claimed. Please contact the Treasurer’s office to claim…
Share the Scene:Joint meeting on potential Ice House development to take place Nov. 16 At 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, November 16, the Milton Board of Selectmen…
Share the Scene:Board of Selectmen statement on the appointment of Michael Dennehy as new town administrator: “The Milton Board of Selectmen voted unanimously tonight to…
Share the Scene:POSTPONED: Hendries Special Permit discussion and potential approval to take place at Milton Planning Board Meeting October 13th Contributed by Precinct 2 Town Meeting…
Share the Scene:Continuance of public hearing granted: In order to fully respond to questions raised by the Planning Board at the September 7 public hearing,…