Share the Scene:Take the Town of Milton Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Survey The Town of Milton Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Survey is live!…
Share the Scene:Tips to pandemic-proof your small business-Small Business Corner It is more crucial than ever to prepare yourself and make your small business as…
Share the Scene:Select Board July 28: Purchase and Sale signed for East Milton Fire Station and other updates The Select Board welcomed Curtis Ross, the…
Share the Scene:Milton Parks and Recreation to offer Fall 2021 junior tennis lessons Milton Parks and Recreation Fall 2021 Junior Tennis Lessons at Kelly Field…
Share the Scene:Governor Baker issues advisory regarding face coverings and cloth masks This Advisory has been updated as of July 30, 2021. On July 27,…
Share the Scene:Superintendent Jette releases updates for week of July 26, 2021 This week’s highlights include Thank you to our MPS Summer Programs, Important Fall…
Share the Scene:Milton Parks and Recreation Outdoor Basketball to take place July 26th, 2021 MOB times and divisions: Boys grades 3-4 Sundays @ 12:00 p.m….
Share the Scene:Pros and cons of running a seasonal small business-Small Business Corner Running a seasonal small business offers many advantages in terms of structuring…
Share the Scene:Cash flow management tips-Small Business Corner Positive cash flow is so important in small business. With a healthy cash flow, you can pay…
Share the Scene:Select Board June 17: statement of interest to School Building Authority The Select Board met with the School Building Committee, Superintendent James Jette,…