Share the Scene:Milton Police Log: August 20 – August 28, 2021 08/20/2021 10:46 ADAMS STREET Accident – P/D Caller reported MVA. Officer reported the vehicles…
Share the Scene:Superintendent Jette releases updates for week of August 26, 2021 This week’s highlights include MPS Back to School Updates, Welcome Back Events, New…
Share the Scene:Back to School ’21 Specials for Milton Neighbors! Please support your local businesses! Stay healthy, neighbors! Comfy Cozy Pet Sitting It’s Bark To…
Share the Scene:Milton home sales for August 13 – August 20 Milton’s most recent real estate sales 15 QUISSET BROOK ROAD $685,000.00 08-13-2021 SELLER: RANSFORD,…
Share the Scene:Milton Police Log: August 13 – August 21, 2021 08/13/2021 01:37 ABERDEEN ROAD Suspicious Activity 911 Caller reports two unknown male parties in…
Share the Scene:Milton Neighbors Featured Favorites: HVAC Experts Air Kings Heating and Cooling ARS of Boston Aspinwall Baystate ATCO HVAC Attardo Heating & Air Conditioning…