Share the Scene:Additional free COVID testing dates – Sunday, January 10, 2021 and Sunday, January 17, 2021 At their Tuesday, December 29th remote meeting, the Town…
Share the Scene:What are we discussing? Top Milton Neighbors posts – December 2020 Wondering what the top Milton Neighbors posts for December 2020 were? We’ve…
Share the Scene:Need a new book? Milton Neighbors recommend their favorite “books that they couldn’t put down (Week 1) In a recent Milton Neighbors thread,…
Share the Scene:Milton Police Log: December 17 – December 25, 2021 12/17/2021 01:23 BLUE HILL AVENUE Suspicious Activity Caller reports an SP vehicle in the…
Share the Scene:December 22 Select Board Milton Meeting: possible Boston Gas rate increases and CARES relief fund update This quick meeting began with a discussion…