Share the Scene:Superintendent Gormley Releases Updates For The Week Of February 24 FROM THE DESK OF THE SUPERINTENDENT The COVID-19 (2019 Novel Coronavirus) is an…
Share the Scene:Three 40B projects now under review in Milton Residences at East Milton 4-24 Franklin St., 19-25 Bassetts St., 522 Adams Court About the…
Share the Scene:The Milton Historical Society presents “An Evening with Eleanor Roosevelt” The Milton Historical Society presents “An Evening with Eleanor Roosevelt” on Thursday, March…
Share the Scene:Visitation Milton Collaborative to hold St. Patrick’s Day Celebration LIVE IRISH MUSIC THIS WEEKEND St. Patrick’s Party Fundraiser to Benefit St. Elizabeth’s &…
Share the Scene:March 3 sample primary ballots now available The presidential primary will take place on March 3, 2020. View sample ballots below. View ballots…
Share the Scene:Public Commentary to take place on Feb. 26 for 40B Site Applications On Wednesday February 26th, the Town of Milton Select Board welcome…
Share the Scene:Milton Neighbors featured favorites: Plastering Services We regularly collect recommendations from the Milton Neighbors Facebook group. Here is the latest list of plastering…
Share the Scene:Milton Police Log: February 7 – 13, 2020 02/07/2020 12:49 WINDSOR ROAD Order of Protection. 20-3-RO. Defelice vs Cahill. Order expires 2/6/20. Defendants…