Share the Scene:Small Business Corner: How to navigate virtual learning while working from home Do you find yourself wondering how you are going to make…
Share the Scene:POLL: How will your children be attending school this year? Milton Public Schools students returned to school on Wednesday, September 16th. Some will…
Share the Scene:Blue Hills Observatory captures image of smoke from California fires On Tuesday, the Blue Hills Observatory tweeted an image of smoke from the…
Share the Scene:Outdoor yoga and meditation to take place at the Eustis Estate September 20. 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Eustis Estate, 1424 Canton Avenue,…
Share the Scene:Milton Public Schools families: it’s time to bookmark some important technology resources Please bookmark two important technology websites below. The Family Technology is updated…
Share the Scene:Tucker School PTO stands with Superintendent Jette and supports him as the leader of the school district Superintendent Jette and Members of the…
Share the Scene:Sean Murphy to discuss The Great Hunger/Famine, 1845-1852, at Milton Reads Sept. 29 On Tuesday, 9/29, at 7:00 p.m., historian Sean Murphy will…
Share the Scene:Applications are open for Milton CDBG-CV Microenterprise Assistance Program on September 4th- September 25th Milton is now accepting applications for the federally-funded Community…
Share the Scene:Milton Public Schools approves new remote learning policy At the August 26, 2020 Milton Public Schools School Committee meeting, new policies were voted…