Share the Scene:Milton override passes On Tuesday, June 20, Milton voted for the $3.1 million override budget approved by Town Meeting this past May. Precinct…
Share the Scene:Contribute by Phil Mathews, Milton resident and Warrant Committee member. On Tuesday, January 20th, Milton residents will vote for the 7th time on…
Share the Scene:Featured Milton “Sceniors” for Monday, May 1 Carol Adams, Fontbonne Academy “Now that you’ve graduated, just remember: Bosses don’t usually accept notes from…
Share the Scene:Milton Senior Bella Naybor to graduate from Milton High School with honors “Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow. It’ll soon be here.” Featured Senior:…
Share the Scene:Milton Historical Society presents: Milton Children: A Glimpse of Childhood 1860-1990 Come see the Milton Historical Society’s new exhibit, “Milton Children.” The exhibit…
Share the Scene:A Conversation about Inclusion, Tuesday November 1, 2016 The Milton Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) is proud to host Dr. Anne Howard on…