Share the Scene:Milton Neighbors Featured Favorites: Painting Services We collect listings for our business directory from the Milton Neighbors Facebook group recommendations as well as…
Share the Scene:Enrollment opens for Massachusetts Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) – Apply now to secure winter heating support! The Massachusetts Executive Office of Housing and…
Share the Scene:“Taylor’s Message” – A powerful evening on alcohol awareness and love at Milton Public Library on Oct. 21 The next Milton Coalition meeting…
Share the Scene:October 15: Virtual Talk – “Haunted lighthouses of New England” at the Milton Public Library Author and Historian Jeremy D’Entremont will be the…
Share the Scene:A collection of artwork exhibit to take place in October at Milton Public Library’s Wotiz Gallery From October 1st through the 31st, a…
Share the Scene:Milton Neighbors Featured Favorites: Mental Health Services We collect listings for our business directory from the Milton Neighbors Facebook group recommendations as well…
Share the Scene:Milton animal control officer response to concerns about coyote at Cunningham Park This past weekend, a Milton Neighbors Facebook group member complained about…