Share the Scene:Lottery for two affordable condos to take place April 11. Informational meeting to be held Feb. 23 A lottery for two affordable homeownership…
Share the Scene:Garcia Thompson paintings to be featured at February Wotiz Gallery exhibit From February 1st through the 28th, there will be an exhibit of…
Share the Scene:Milton Neighbors Featured Favorites: Home Organization Other listings: Cara Concierge Colburn Solutions Declutter Bee Ditch The Clutter Jill Magner Moving & Organizing Services…
Share the Scene:Opinion: Boston needs Tufts Children’s Hospital Greater Boston just got word of another hospital closing. On January 20th, Tufts announced that the Tufts…
Share the Scene:Milton COVID 19 Update – 15 total confirmed cases (Jan. 22) 1/22/2022: Milton has had total confirmed and 15 probable cases reported today….
Share the Scene:Select Board January 19: Special Town Meeting changed to March 14 The Select Board motioned to approve the request to hold the Special…
Share the Scene:Self-swab COVID-19 testing at South Shore Medical Center now open to members of the public Appointments are required, and can be conveniently scheduled…
Share the Scene:Select Board January 12: Covid-19 update, Special Town Meeting discussion and more Milton Indivisible held a peaceful vigil on January 6, in remembrance…