Share the Scene:Milton Coalition’s Underage Drinking Working Group seeks additional members We want youth in Milton to have time and space to have fun and…
Share the Scene:Community meeting to discuss safe places for Milton teens social gatherings to be held Aug. 28th Milton Select Board’s Youth Task Force is…
Share the Scene:Top 10 must-haves for a stylish and successful Back to School season Milton’s first day of school for grades 1-12 is Wednesday, August…
Share the Scene:Screenagers, the Trilogy, is coming to Milton! The Milton Coalition is partnering with the Milton Public Schools and bringing the Screenagers Trilogy to…
Share the Scene:Save the date! Milton High School Boosters Swing Fore Sports Golf Tournament to take place 16, 2023 Monday, October 16, 2023 Swing Fore…
Share the Scene:Peter Burrows announces new Milton Superintendent Entry Plan Dear MPS Community, It is with great excitement that I join Milton Public Schools! The…
Share the Scene:Milton Class of 2023 scholarship winners The following Milton seniors were awarded scholarships at MHS Scholarship Night, on May 30, 2023 View the…