Share the Scene:October programs at the Milton Public Library. During October, the Milton Public Library will offer some fun events suitable for adults and families. “Knitting…
Share the Scene: The Fuller Village Mens Club hosted Milton Chief of Police Richard Wells on September 21 for an informative talk about Milton happenings. A…
Share the Scene:Dutch Author Lida Sanders Discusses her New Book, Do Not Go Gentle, at the Milton Public Library On Tuesday, October 6th, Dutch native…
Share the Scene:NextGen, U.S. DOT Edward L. Bolton Jr., Assistant Administrator, Speaks at Volpe Leveraging Opportunities: Modernizing Our National Airspace System in an Evolving Environment…
Share the Scene:Blue Hills State Reservation Draft Deer Management Plan public meetings will take place as follows: Thursday, September 24, 2015 – 6:30 p.m. – 8:00…
Share the Scene:Notice of Cancellation of Public Hearing Scheduled September 21, 2015, on License Application for Aashvi Corporation, D/b/a Milton Food Mart The Public Hearing scheduled…
Share the Scene:Norfolk County Register of Deeds William P. O’Donnell to hold Milton office hours. Norfolk County Register of Deeds William P. O’Donnell will hold Office…
Share the Scene:Milton Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition announces National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day Please take a moment to go through your medicine cabinet and identify any unused…
Share the Scene:From the Milton Historical Society Suffolk Resolves House – Annual Open House The Annual Open House on Sunday, September 13, 2015 from 1:00…