Share the Scene:Nomination papers now available for Milton’s 2024 Annual Town Election Town Clerk Susan M. Galvin has announced that Nomination Papers for both Town…
Share the Scene:2023 Milton Town Election unofficial results As the local town elections came to a close in Milton, Massachusetts on April 25, 2023, residents…
Share the Scene:VOTER INFO for Milton’s Annual Town Election today: Tuesday, April 25, 2023 Sample Ballots PRECINCT 1 PRECINCT 6 PRECINCT 2 PRECINCT 7 PRECINCT…
Share the Scene:2023 Milton Town Election results – LIVE after 9:00 p.m. Results will appear below, on this page, beginning shortly after 9:00 p.m. on…
Share the Scene:Annual Town Election 2023: Meet the Candidates Milton’s Annual Town Election is April 25, 2023. 🇺🇸 Candidates whose names are linked have submitted…
Share the Scene:Nora Harrington announces candidacy for Milton Town Meeting Member, Precinct 2 Dear Precinct 2 Neighbors, I recently moved to Precinct 2 from Precinct…
Share the Scene:Christopher J. Trakas announces candidacy for re-election for Town Meeting Member, Precinct 10 My name is Christopher J. Trakas, a lifelong Milton resident,…
Share the Scene:Johanna McCarthy announces candidacy for Milton Town Meeting Member I am delighted to be running for Milton’s Town Treasurer. I am proud Milton…