Everwood Day Camp

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3 Reviews on “Everwood Day Camp”

  • Amy D.
    7 years ago

    I just wanted to write to say thank you for giving both of my kids a wonderful summer. My son attended Everwood for the entire 9 weeks, even though I had originally signed him up for 5! He just did not want to leave and kept coming home asking me if he could go another week. Honestly, he’d go next week if he could! My son is not one to make a long-term commitment to anything; he usually signs up for things, gets bored after a couple of weeks and pleads not to go. But with camp, on Sunday nights he’d say, “I have camp tomorrow!” and couldn’t wait to get back. That tells me how much fun he was having.

    As for my daughter, this was her first summer at home in 6 years and we knew it would be different than her years at overnight camp. She couldn’t have made a better choice for her summer. She loved being a counselor and it was a really great first job. Every night she’d come home and tell us about something she’d done that day “because my girls wanted me to.” These were things that she might not have been adventurous enough to do on her own when she was a camper, but she wanted her girls to have fun, so she did it. She told us a really sweet story about one day when the bunk was walking to an activity and one of the girls came up beside her to hold her hand, which made her day. She was so nervous about doing a good job before the summer began and I could see her really grow into her role as the weeks went by.

  • Kate H.
    3 years ago

    as a former camper, it’s bad time for older kids. I went for one year and never again. they threatened to kick me out because I would have rather quietly sit and read then get dirty doing whatever half hearten children’s activity they had us doing. there was a lot of people pushing each other around that most of the counselors would turn a blind eye to. most of the people who give good reviews have younger kids that most of the actives are more geared towards.

  • Jasmine S
    1 year ago

    Can’t say enough great things about the experience my daughter has had at Everwood over the past 4 summers. The staff is great at getting all the kids engaged and making the day fun. Very well staffed, which with all the water sports is important to me. If they are paddle boarding for example, their camp counselors are with them, but there are also separate life guard staff present which is the safest approach for everyone. Staff encourages kids to try new things, supports positive peer interactions and bring lots of positive energy to the day.

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