The Milton Public Library announces adult programs for March 2025
In March, the Milton Public Library has a nice variety of programs for adults and families to enjoy! For our ongoing classes, there will be “Adult Yoga” with Sheila on Tuesday, March 11, starting at 7:00 p.m. and “Chair Yoga” with Marianne on Thursday, March 27, at 3:00 p.m., both held in the Keys Community Room. For more details about these restorative offerings and to register in advance, use these links respectively: and At our website entries you may also read more about each practice, although space is limited for both. Please join us!
The Library Knitting Group will meet in the Conference Room on Saturdays, March 1 and March 15, from 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. This is a fun, drop-in get together where you can bring your own knitting project, meet new friends, and possibly get tips and tricks about the craft from others. Please note that there is no sign-up required and that attendees cannot teach beginners. For this drop-in activity, you must have some familiarity with the craft to participate. If you would like to get on the organizer’s Email list for reminders, send a message to Jean Hlady, Head of Adult Services/Reference at [email protected] and she will make sure you are added.
Sara’s Truog’s “Booked for Lunch” program is scheduled this month on Monday, March 10, at 12 noon in our Conference Room, and we encourage you to join her with a lunch and a book. This event is to enjoy talking about books with others, getting a few good book suggestions maybe, and socializing. If you want to learn more and to sign up, use this link: Registration is required and we hope to see you there!
To celebrate all things Irish, you might attend a fun, rollicking musical show with some fine local musicians as part of our Spring concert series. “BrotherB and the Other3” is a talented Celtic trio who also have Milton connections, and they play songs that are great for all ages! Band leader Brian Queally plays flute and mandolin, Johnny Coe is a guitarist, and Wynter Pyndal is a fab fiddler and concertina musician. In this free one-hour concert on Saturday, March 8, from 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m., in our Keys Community Room, you might embrace some foot-stomping glee as we all enjoy tunes inspired by Co. Clare, with its rich aesthetic and emphasis on melodic simplicity. No sign up is required and we hope to see you there!
Photographer and naturalist Bob Michelson will give another virtual talk about animals via Zoom on Tuesday, March 4, at 7:00 p.m. and the topic will be: “The Life and History of the Northern Moose in New England.” Follow wildlife professionals as Bob documents behaviors exhibited by this huge animal as part of a herd, and tells us about their life and environment in the wilds of Maine. You will also be able to view his wonderful photos to supplement the talk. Please register here in advance to receive the Zoom link:
The last meeting (#5) of a multi-part virtual aging series, which the MPL and the Milton Council on Aging have been jointly presenting this Spring, is about the important topic of “Solo Aging.” This final program in March is called: “Bringing It All Together: Developing an Organized Solo Aging Plan for You” and it is scheduled for Thursday, March 6, at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom. You must sign up to receive the link to participate so use this link: The speaker for this series is Ailene Gerhardt, an Independent Board-Certified Patient Advocate and Solo Aging Educator. We hope to see you online for this educational talk.
The Celebrity Book Club with Sally Lawler and Sara Truog will meet this month on Thursday, March 13, at 7:00 p.m., in the Keys Community Room, and the book to be read in advance is: The Whalebone Theatre by Joanna Quinn, recommended by Jennifer Gardner. Read what the celebrities are reading and join us in a fun, relaxed discussion of books recommended by popular celebrities. Registration is required to attend, opening Feb. 20th, so please sign up here: Call the Reference Dept. to reserve a copy of this title and please come!
Also our ongoing MA Collaborative’s Online 50+ Job Seekers Group will meet on Wednesdays, March 5 (“LinkedIn”) and March 19 (“Resumes”), starting at 9:30 via Zoom. If you an unemployed and actively looking, underemployed, seeking a new career direction, re-entering the job market after a long employment gap, or recently retired and looking for your “Encore Career,” this free networking program is perfect for you. Remember: 85% of jobs are found through networking! For more details about the series and about the facilitator, Deborah Hope, please go to these links – respectively – where you may also register: and This is a nice opportunity not to be missed.
If you love flowers and trees, you will enjoy this next offering! Landscape Gardener and Photographer Joanne Pearson will give a virtual talk on Tuesday, March 18, at 7:00 p.m. called: “Gorgeous Gardens of New England – Part 2.” In 2021, host Jean Hlady offered Joanne’s initial gardening talk (part #1), and she is sure you will really like this one too. We have an embarrassment of riches when it comes to the number of beautiful gardens in New England, so in this program we will begin to see patterns in the development of estate gardens and the establishment of the heavy weights in the field of landscape design. Join our speaker on this enchanting visual trip to more of the most gorgeous gardens in our area! Advance registration is required here to receive the Zoom link: Registration opens on Feb. 25th.
Our Wednesday movie for adults in March is: “Women Talking” in honor of Women’s History Month. It will be screened on March 19, starting at 6:30 p.m. in the Keys Community Room. This film is about a group of women who live in a secluded religious community. After experiencing a series of domestic and sexual abuse incidents, the women must confront the men who hurt them and endure the consequences of the choices they make. It was directed by Sarah Polley and is based on the 2018 novel by Miriam Toews, which was originally inspired by true stories from a remote Mennonite community in Bolivia called Manitoba Colon. The film was nominated for Best Picture at the 95th Academy Awards, is rated PG-13 for mature thematic content so is not suitable for children (adults only) and the length is 104 minutes. No registration is required.
The Adult D&D program with staff Tyler and Kathy is scheduled in the Conference Room on Thursday, March 20, from 6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Calling all adventurers! Join us for this monthly campaign as it is free and no past familiarity with Dungeons & Dragons is required. Kathy is running a homebrew campaign using D&D 5e. Registration is currently full but please Email Tyler at [email protected] if you are interested in joining the group.
The “Boozy Bookworms” meetings are only for those under the age 40 and the next one is happening on Thursday, March 27, offsite starting at 6:30 p.m. If you are eager to connect with fellow book enthusiasts, this group might be the perfect fit for you! Facilitated by staff Tory Fiske and Micaela Soucy, participants will meet at Steel & Rye for lively discussions over delicious food and drinks. Please note that you must register in advance and you are responsible for purchasing your own refreshments (so please arrive 15 minutes early to do so). You must use this link to sign up and we hope to see you there:
There will be another craft workshop for adults called: “Make A Felted Bird for Spring” with Pop-up Art School and it will be held in our Keys Community Room on Saturday, March 22, from 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Learn how to needle felt a bird with blue and yellow accents, perched on a real branch. Our instructor will show you the basics of how to needle felt merino wool and you will leave the class with basic supplies and knowledge to do this on your own. This activity is surprisingly easy, relaxing and fun! You must sign up here to attend, as space is limited: This workshop is open to anyone over the age of 13 and will get us all in the mood for Spring!
Next, our favorite Chef Connie Spiros will give another fun cooking demo. This will be a virtual program via Zoom. The date is Tuesday, March 25, at 6:00 p.m. and the title will be: “It’s all Greek to me – food that is!” Join Connie as she shares some of her family’s culinary traditions and you may cook along, or watch from a comfy chair, as she prepares Pastichio (Greek “Lasagna”), Spanakopita, and Mini Baklava. Advance registration is required and once signed up, you will receive the Zoom link and a shopping list and recipes in advance. You may use this link to register: Bon appetit!
All of these programs are kindly sponsored by the Friends of the Milton Public Library and are free and open. Questions? Call the Reference Dept. at (617) 898-4964 or Email [email protected] Please join us in March for a fun activity!
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