Crystal Deas announces candidacy for Town Meeting Member, Precinct 4

Crystal-Lin Deas, candidate
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Crystal Deas announces candidacy for Town Meeting Member, Precinct 4

You might recognize me from walking around the Pine Tree Brook neighborhood with my family, Russell, (my anchor), and my daughter Sydney, (my Ladybug) who is now a sophomore at the Milton High School.

My name is Crystal Deas (listed on the ballot as Crystallin Deas) and for 18 years, I’ve been a proud Milton resident. I moved to Milton in 2007, into the Pine Tree Brook Neighborhood. Shortly after, I became a mom (the best experience of my life).

Over the years we’ve invested our time, energy, and passion into this community. We value our town neighborhood and neighbors. I have enjoyed my time volunteering at the elementary and middle schools and being a part of community groups, including attending, tuning in and participating in town meetings. In my professional life, I have worn many hats. From management, administration, and real estate closings for a law firm, to executive C-suite administration and finance.

I love this town, the people, and our green spaces, but we also know there’s always room for improvement. For years, I’ve been watching, listening, and sharing my thoughts on the issues facing our community.

But I’ve decided it’s time to step up and get more involved and take my commitment to the next level and be a voice for the community.

That’s why I’m announcing my candidacy for Town Meeting Member in Precinct 4. I believe in transparency, open communication, and a Milton where everyone’s voice is heard.

Let’s work together to build an even better Milton! I ask for your vote on election day April 29th.

For more information, email Crystal.

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