Unlock new career opportunities: Milton Public Library hosts job series for 50+ in September

A person writing a resume on a desk with a laptop, ensuring the right processes for finding qualified candidates.
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Unlock new career opportunities: Milton Public Library hosts job series for 50+ in September

During the month of September, the Milton Public Library has some great programs scheduled for adults and families to enjoy. We have several ongoing activities you may want to check out. Our online MA Collaborative Job Series for 50+ series will meet twice in September.

There are two zoom meetings held each month, and they will happen in Sept. on Sept. 4 to discuss “Linkedin” and Sept. 18 to tackle the topic of “Resumes.”

Both Wednesday meetings start at 9:30 a.m. If you are unemployed and actively looking, underemployed, seeking a new career direction, re-entering the job market after a long employment gap, or recently retired and looking for your “Encore Career,” this networking group program is perfect for you!

Remember, 85% of jobs are found through networking!

Join us in a professional forum for networking with peers in a safe and comfortable environment conducive to developing new relationships and developing skills and strategies to help in your career transition.

Each meeting features a new topic. Each biweekly meeting is facilitated by Deborah Hope, MBA, PCIC, an experienced executive career coach. T

he series is sponsored by the Friends of the Milton Public Library and is managed by the Tewksbury Public Library, with a large group of MA public libraries now participating. Advance registration is required to receive the Zoom link so sign up here: www.tinyurl.com/library50plusjobseekers.


This event is kindly sponsored by the Friends of the Milton Public Library and is free and open to all.

Questions?  Email [email protected] or call the Reference Dept. at (617) 898-4964.

We encourage you to come visit us – either in person or virtually – this September for an enjoyable program!



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