Milton Planning Board to discuss MBTA Communities Zoning at Sept. 16 meeting

Milton MA Public Meeting
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Milton Planning Board to discuss MBTA Communities Zoning at Sept. 16 meeting

The Milton Planning Board is set to convene on Monday, September 16, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. in the Cronin Conference Room at Milton Town Hall. The meeting, which will also be accessible via Zoom, aims to address several key issues concerning community development and zoning in the town.

Residents and stakeholders can participate online through this Zoom link or by dialing in at 1-929-205-6099. The Meeting ID is 837 0402 2879, and the passcode is 887685.

Meeting Agenda:

  1. Call to Order – The meeting will commence with a call to order.
  2. Administrative Items:
    • The Board will review and approve the minutes from the previous meeting.
    • Discussion of future meeting dates will be on the agenda to ensure consistent scheduling.
    • The Director of Planning and Community Development will provide an update on ongoing initiatives and projects.
  3. Citizens Speak – A segment dedicated to public comments, allowing Milton residents to voice their concerns or offer feedback on matters of interest.
  4. Public Hearing Continuation – The Board will continue its public hearing on the amendment of Site Plan Approval for 10 Bassett Street (Milton Marketplace) at 7:10 p.m. This follows the initial hearing held on September 12.
  5. Old Business:
    • The Board will discuss the MBTA Communities Zoning, an important topic affecting housing and development near public transit.
    • A discussion on Site Plan Approval processes will be conducted to streamline and improve current procedures.
    • Budget priorities for Fiscal Year 2026 will be deliberated, focusing on the allocation of resources to meet the town’s development goals.
  6. Adjournment – The meeting will conclude after all items on the agenda have been addressed.

The Planning Board encourages public participation, particularly during the Citizens Speak segment, as community input is vital to the decision-making process. This meeting is an opportunity for residents to stay informed and involved in the development plans that impact Milton’s growth and quality of life.

For more information on the meeting and to view the full agenda, residents can visit the Town of Milton’s official website or join the session through the provided Zoom link.

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