Meet local author Adina O’Neill: Inspiring talk on underdog athletes at the Milton Public Library on Sept. 10

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Meet local author Adina O’Neill: Inspiring talk on underdog athletes at the Milton Public Library on Sept. 10

Milton author Adina O’Neill will come to the MPL in person on Tuesday night, Sept. 10, starting at 7:00 p.m., in our Keys Community Room, to talk about her book called: “Forward Is A Pace – Real Athletes Don’t Fit In, They Stand Out” (c2024)  This program is both an in person sports talk, and a celebration of “ordinary” people, written for all of the unseen, non-traditional, underdog-type athletes – those who are tired of being left out, just because they don’t fit society’s definitions.

Teens are welcome to attend too!

Adina draws on her experience as a Head Coach of “Team B*REAL” and a Triathlon Coach, Swim Technician and Fitness Motivator.

No advance registration is required. Just come listen to a very inspiring speaker, where copies of her book will also be for sale.


This event is kindly sponsored by the Friends of the Milton Public Library and is free and open to all.

Questions?  Email [email protected] or call the Reference Dept. at (617) 898-4964.

We encourage you to come visit us – either in person or virtually – this September for an enjoyable program!

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