Conservation Commission meeting agenda for September 10, 2024

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Conservation Commission meeting agenda for September 10, 2024

Date: Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Location: Online via Zoom
Zoom Link:
Dial-in Number: 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 826 2949 5317
Passcode: 316823

The Conservation Commission will hold a virtual meeting on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at 7:30 p.m. Residents and interested parties are invited to attend via Zoom to discuss several key items on the agenda.

Agenda Highlights:

  1. 24 Wentworth Farm Road – Peer Review
    The Commission will conduct a peer review for the property at 24 Wentworth Farm Road. This review is crucial for evaluating compliance with local conservation regulations.
  2. 10 Fletcher Steele Way – Certificate of Compliance
    Continued from the August 17, 2024 meeting, the Commission will revisit the Certificate of Compliance for 10 Fletcher Steele Way, assessing if all conditions have been met satisfactorily.
  3. 370 Hillside Street – Certificate of Compliance
    This item, also continued from the August 17 meeting, involves reviewing the compliance status of 370 Hillside Street.
  4. 8 Wentworth Farm Road – Amend Order of Conditions
    An amendment to the existing Order of Conditions for 8 Wentworth Farm Road will be discussed.
  5. 440 Harland Street – Certificate of Compliance
    The Commission will review the Certificate of Compliance for 440 Harland Street to ensure all conservation requirements have been fulfilled.
  6. 77 Neponset Valley Parkway – Notice of Intent
    A Notice of Intent has been filed for 77 Neponset Valley Parkway. The Commission will evaluate proposed activities and their potential environmental impacts.
  7. 1072 Brush Hill Road – Notice of Intent
    A second Notice of Intent will be reviewed for 1072 Brush Hill Road. The project details and environmental implications will be assessed.
  8. 76 Cliff Road – Certificate of Compliance
    The Commission will evaluate the compliance status for the property at 76 Cliff Road.
  9. 113 Woodland Road – Certificate of Compliance
    Review of the Certificate of Compliance for 113 Woodland Road is also on the agenda.
  10. New Business
    The meeting will also include a segment for any new business or urgent matters not previously listed on the agenda.
  11. Adjournment

The Conservation Commission encourages all interested parties to attend and participate in the discussions, especially those with vested interests in the properties being reviewed.

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