A Night to Celebrate Kate Middleton to take place Saturday, Oct. 5

Event poster for "A Celebration of Kate Middleton" featuring The Insynmatics, The Grommets, The Lazy Susans, and Wooden Leg. Riverside Theatre Works, Saturday, Oct. 5, 2024, at 6 PM.
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A Night to Celebrate Kate Middleton to take place Saturday, Oct. 5

Celebrate beloved neighbor Kate Middleton

October 5, 2024 – 6:00 p.m.

Riverside Theater Works

Celebrate the life of beloved friend, community leader, and RTW parent Kate Middleton with a night of rock, punk, and roots music, featuring some of Kate’s favorite bands.

Dancing, cash bar, and snacks for purchase — all ages welcome!

Proceeds benefit RTW and the Kate Middleton Memorial Fund.

Click here to laern more and purchase tickets.

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