Watch “5000 Blankets” at Milton Public Library’s monthly movie night on August 14, 2024

A woman and a child stand among a large stack of folded blankets with the text "5000 Blankets" displayed in front of them, while Milton Public Library announces adult programming for August 2024.
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Watch “5000 Blankets” at Milton Public Library’s monthly movie night on August 14, 2024

There will be a Wednesday Monthly Movie held on Aug. 14 starting at 6:30 p.m. in the Keys Community Room and the title is: “5000 Blankets.”  This is simply a wonderful film. It stars Anna Camp and Rob Mayes, and the heartwarming story is inspired by the real events that led to the “Philip’s Wish” Foundation. The movie follows a determined woman, Cyndi Bunch (Camp), from Fort Worth, TX, who sets out to find her husband, Bobby (Mayes) after he’s had a mental breakdown and has gone missing. Along with her son, Phillip (played by Carson Minniear), the pair are alarmed to see how many unhoused people there are on the streets of Fort Worth. This realization sparks a “movement of compassion” to help as many people as possible, right before Christmas when the weather is unusually cold and unforgiving. This is a beautiful tale of redemption and hope, and the main characters are two incredibly strong people with the biggest hearts. Please join us for a unique experience to watch the events unfold – you will not regret attending! The film was released in 2023, is rated PG-13 for difficult scenes of homelessness, a body in the morgue, and some bullying and fights, and it is 1 hr, 45 min. Long.

No signup is required to attend – just come! The “Booked for Lunch” group is a silent book club, with Assistant Director Sara Truog, and it is a half hour of socializing and eating lunch together, and a half hour of silent reading time in the MPL Conference Room. The club will meet again on Monday, Aug. 19, from 12 noon to 1:00 p.m.  We’ll talk about books and share our top picks (and maybe the duds too). Participants should bring a bag lunch and a book to read, and advance registration is required to attend.

Please use this link to join Sara for a fun hour:


All of these events are kindly sponsored by the Friends of the MPL and are free and open to all.

The Library is located at 476 Canton Avenue, Milton, and questions?

Email [email protected] or call the Reference Dept. at (6170 898-4964.

Our website is and we encourage you to visit us in August for a fun program!

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