Upcoming Conservation Commission meeting to discuss Japanese knotweed at Aug 13 meeting

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Upcoming Conservation Commission meeting to discuss Japanese knotweed at Aug 13 meeting

Date: Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Zoom Link: Join Here
Dial-In Number: 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 826 2949 5317
Passcode: 316823

The Conservation Commission is scheduled to meet virtually on Tuesday, August 13, 2024, at 7:30 p.m. This session will be accessible via Zoom for community members interested in environmental conservation and local ecological issues.

Agenda Items:

  1. Request for Certificate of Compliance – 10 Fletcher Steele Way
    The Commission will review a request for a certificate of compliance for the property at 10 Fletcher Steele Way. This certificate verifies that the property complies with local and state environmental regulations and that any previously issued permits’ conditions have been satisfactorily met.
  2. Request for Certificate of Compliance – 370 Hillside Street
    Another certificate of compliance request will be considered for 370 Hillside Street. The evaluation process will ensure all regulatory and permit requirements have been fulfilled.
  3. Stormwater Drain Markers Discussion / Vote
    A significant topic on the agenda is the discussion and potential vote on implementing stormwater drain markers. These markers aim to raise public awareness about stormwater pollution and its impact on local waterways.
  4. Conservation Trust Fund Discussion
    The Commission will discuss the Conservation Trust Fund, focusing on its current status, potential uses, and future funding strategies. This fund is critical for supporting various conservation projects and initiatives within the community.
  5. Japanese Knotweed Discussion
    An invasive species, Japanese Knotweed, will be a point of discussion. The Commission will explore strategies for managing and mitigating the spread of this aggressive plant, which poses a threat to local ecosystems.
  6. New Business
    This section of the meeting is reserved for addressing any new topics or issues that may arise. Community members are encouraged to bring forth any relevant concerns or suggestions.
  7. Adjournment

Community involvement is crucial in these discussions, and the Conservation Commission invites all interested parties to attend the meeting.

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