Milton Public Library announces adult programming for August 2024

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Milton Public Library announces adult programming for August 2024

During the month of August, the Milton Public Library is offering some fun events for adults and families to enjoy. Our MA Collaborative Job Series for 50+ people will start up again in August to run through December. There are 2 virtual meetings each month held via Zoom, and they will happen in August on (Wednesdays) Aug. 7 to discuss the topic: “Self-Assessment,” and Aug. 21, to discuss the topic: “Career Story.” Both meetings start at 9:30 a.m.

If you are unemployed and actively looking, underemployed, seeking a new career direction, re-entering the job market after a long employment gap, or recently retired and looking for your “Encore Career,” this networking group program is perfect for you! Remember, 85% of jobs are found through networking!  Join us in a professional forum for networking with peers in a safe and comfortable environment conducive to developing new relationships and developing skills and strategies to help in your career transition.

Each meeting features a new topic. Each biweekly meeting is facilitated by Deborah Hope, MBA, PCIC, an experienced executive career coach. Deborah is a former Fortune 500 executive, investment banker and entrepreneur. Deborah has coached with Harvard Business School Executive Education programs and the Massachusetts Conference for Women. Deborah has facilitated 50+ job seekers networking groups since 2016. The series is sponsored by the Friends of the Milton Public Library and is managed by the Tewksbury Public Library, with a large group of MA public libraries now participating. Advance registration is required to receive the Zoom link so please go here to sign up: We hope you might join us!

On Tuesday, Aug. 6, at 7:00 p.m. in the Keys Community Room, there will be another Adult Yoga class with instructor Sheila Armstrong. Join others for this free program which is a one-hour fluid yoga experience. Space is limited, so you must sign up in advance to attend, and you may use this link to do so:

Then on Tuesday, Aug. 13, at 7:00 p.m., we are offering a virtual talk via Zoom called: “The Rescue and Rehab of Sea Turles on Cape Cod” with underwater diver/photographer and naturalist Bob Michelson. Join him to learn about young sea turtles who are stranded on north-facing beaches of Cape Cod. These “cold stunned” turtles are near death and suffer from pneumonia, as well as injuries to their bodies, or both. The program follows photographer Michelson, who was contracted by NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries service to document the entire process, from rescuing sea turtles along Cape Cod beaches through their medical care and rehabilitation at the New England Aquarium sea turtle facility, to their release back into the environment. Exclusive underwater photos will be shown, so please sign on to learn more! Advance registration is required to receive the Zoom link so go here to sign up:

There will be a Wednesday Monthly Movie held on Aug. 14 starting at 6:30 p.m. in the Keys Community Room and the title is: “5000 Blankets.”  This is simply a wonderful film. It stars Anna Camp and Rob Mayes, and the heartwarming story is inspired by the real events that led to the “Philip’s Wish” Foundation. The movie follows a determined woman, Cyndi Bunch (Camp), from Fort Worth, TX, who sets out to find her husband, Bobby (Mayes) after he’s had a mental breakdown and has gone missing. Along with her son, Phillip (played by Carson Minniear), the pair are alarmed to see how many unhoused people there are on the streets of Fort Worth. This realization sparks a “movement of compassion” to help as many people as possible, right before Christmas when the weather is unusually cold and unforgiving. This is a beautiful tale of redemption and hope, and the main characters are two incredibly strong people with the biggest hearts. Please join us for a unique experience to watch the events unfold – you will not regret attending! The film was released in 2023, is rated PG-13 for difficult scenes of homelessness, a body in the morgue, and some bullying and fights, and it is 1 hr, 45 min. Long.

No signup is required to attend – just come! The “Booked for Lunch” group is a silent book club, with Assistant Director Sara Truog, and it is a half hour of socializing and eating lunch together, and a half hour of silent reading time in the MPL Conference Room. The club will meet again on Monday, Aug. 19, from 12 noon to 1:00 p.m.  We’ll talk about books and share our top picks (and maybe the duds too). Participants should bring a bag lunch and a book to read, and advance registration is required to attend. Please use this link to join Sara for a fun hour:

The final August program for adults is scheduled for Tuesday, Aug. 20, at 7:00 p.m. virtually and it will be an enjoyablearmchair travel” and nature talk called “Wales – Castles, Butterflies & More. The speaker is naturalist Joy Marzolf and you will learn about the lovely country of Wales in this online talk. Although part of the present day United Kingdom, Wales is a country of ancient origins and wild lands. Stone monuments from its pre-historic past still can be found across parts of the country today, along with ancient castles, remains of magnificent abbeys and even Roman ruins. The wild nature of this land can also be found in abundance, from the beautiful and colorful moors and butterflies of the Isle of Angelsea to the numerous birds and other wildlife of the coastal wetlands. Join speaker Joy and host Jean Hlady for lovely photos of castles, butterflies, birds and much more in a virtual journey across Wales. Advance registration is required to receive the link so please go here to sign up:

All of these events are kindly sponsored by the Friends of the MPL and are free and open to all.

The Library is located at 476 Canton Avenue, Milton, and questions?

Email [email protected] or call the Reference Dept. at (6170 898-4964.

Our website is and we encourage you to visit us in August for a fun program!

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