Join us for the final Wharf Park rehabilitation meeting – September 4, 2024

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Join us for the final Wharf Park rehabilitation meeting – September 4, 2024

This year, the Community Preservation Committee awarded grant funding for our community to help plan and design the rehabilitation of Wharf Park. After many public meetings, our landscape architecture firm has created an amazing design concept incorporating the spirit of the community input and town-wide collaboration process.

We need your final input

You are an important stakeholder, neighbor, Milton resident, interested party, and/or community leader who has and can still play a key role in helping the community bring this park back to life.  Your continued input and support at this community meeting is vital to the concept and final design of the space.

Please join the project’s landscape architects – Bill Madden and Matt Gillen of Greg Lombardi Design – for a final community session:

Wharf Park Rehabilitation Meeting
7:00 p.m. Wednesday September 4, 2024
Council on Aging

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