Free Adult Yoga class at Milton Public Library on August 6, 2024

A group of fifteen people stands indoors, holding rolled-up yoga mats and smiling at the camera. They appear to be in a yoga studio or similar setting, likely gearing up for the Free Adult Yoga class at Milton Public Library on August 6, 2024.
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Free Adult Yoga class at Milton public library on August 6, 2024

On Tuesday, Aug. 6, at 7:00 p.m. in the Keys Community Room, there will be another Adult Yoga class with instructor Sheila Armstrong. Join others for this free program which is a one-hour fluid yoga experience. Space is limited, so you must sign up in advance to attend, and you may use this link to do so:

This event is kindly sponsored by the Friends of the MPL and are free and open to all.

The Library is located at 476 Canton Avenue, Milton, and questions?

Email [email protected] or call the Reference Dept. at (6170 898-4964.

Our website is and we encourage you to visit us in August for a fun program!

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