THC Levels in marijuana quadruple, health risks surge – Milton Coalition advises

A line graph shows the percentage of THC and CBD in cannabis samples seized by the DEA from 1995 to 2021. THC % rises from 3.55 in 1995 to 15.34 in 2021 while CBD % fluctuates around 1%. Meanwhile, Milton High students earn special treats for their Mental Health Awareness efforts.
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THC Levels in marijuana quadruple, health risks surge – Milton Coalition advises

Higher THC levels in marijuana are linked to increased problems with memory and learning, distorted perception, difficulty in thinking and problem-solving, and loss of coordination. Higher THC also exacerbates the effects associated with regular use of cannabis, including physical dependence and withdrawal following discontinuation, as well as psychological addiction or dependence.

No amount of cannabis is safe for youth.

Since recreational marijuana was legalized in MA, marijuana related emergency room visits by children and youth have increased from 18.5 per 100,000 people to 31.0 per 100,000 people during the six-year period after recreational cannabis became legal in Massachusetts. (Get Smart About DrugsMassachusetts General Hospital)

The Milton Coalition advises that you please keep all marijuana products away from children and youth.

Store it in a secure, locked container or cabinet, out of sight and out of reach by youth and pets.


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