Milton School Committee meeting on July 16, 2024: Key discussions on polling places and school building projects

agenda - meeting notes. image: canva
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Milton school committee meeting on July 16, 2024: Key discussions on polling places and school building projects

The Milton School Committee is set to hold its next meeting on July 16, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. This meeting, conducted via Zoom, promises to be an important one, with significant agenda items up for discussion. Residents can join the meeting using the Zoom link here, or dial in at 1-929-205-6099 with the Meeting ID 990 3850 0535.

Agenda Highlights

  1. Call to Order The meeting will commence with a formal call to order, setting the stage for the evening’s proceedings.
  2. Approval of the July 16, 2024 Agenda The committee will review and approve the agenda for the meeting.
  3. Citizen Speak (Policy BEDH-15 minutes) Community members will have the opportunity to voice their concerns and opinions during this 15-minute segment. This is a valuable time for citizens to engage directly with the committee.
  4. Superintendent’s Report
    • Discussion of Polling Places: The Superintendent will lead a discussion on the utilization of school facilities as polling places. This discussion is crucial, as it impacts both the community’s voting process and the schools’ operations.
  5. Chair’s Report
    • Discussion of School Building Project Timeline: The Chair will provide an update on the timeline for ongoing and upcoming school building projects. This discussion will cover key milestones and deadlines, informing the community about the progress and future plans for school infrastructure improvements.
  6. Finance Subcommittee
    • Approval of Vendor Warrants (Vote): The committee will vote on the approval of vendor warrants, ensuring that financial transactions are reviewed and authorized.
    • FY26 Budget Process: An overview of the budget process for the fiscal year 2026 will be presented, outlining the steps and considerations involved in budget planning.
  7. Approval of Minutes (Attachment) (Vote) The committee will review and vote on the approval of minutes from previous meetings, ensuring that records are accurate and up-to-date.
  8. Next Meeting Agenda Items The committee will discuss potential topics for the next meeting’s agenda, allowing for a preview of future discussions and decisions.
  9. Adjourn The meeting will conclude with an official adjournment.

Participation Information

To participate in the meeting, residents can join via the following methods:

This meeting provides a critical opportunity for community members to stay informed and engaged with the decisions affecting Milton’s schools. Be sure to join and participate in the discussions that shape the future of education in Milton.

For more information or inquiries, please see the Milton School Committee agenda.

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