Milton School Building Committee to discuss architect updates and land swap on July 15, 2024

agenda - meeting notes. image: canva
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Milton School Building Committee to discuss architect updates and land swap on July 15, 2024

The Milton School Building Committee will convene on July 15, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. for a crucial meeting. The session, which will be held via Zoom, aims to address significant updates and discussions related to ongoing school building projects. Community members are encouraged to participate through the provided Zoom link or by dialing in.

Meeting Details

Agenda Highlights

  1. Call to Order The meeting will begin with a formal call to order, marking the start of the session.
  2. Citizens Speak This segment provides a platform for citizens to express their views and concerns. It is an important opportunity for public engagement and input on the committee’s activities.
  3. Approval of Past Meeting Minutes
    • Monday, July 01, 2024: The committee will review and approve the minutes from the previous meeting held on July 1, 2024.
  4. Old Business
    • Discussion/Update: Architect Update
      • Cost Estimate Set Review: The committee will receive an update from the architect, focusing on the review of cost estimates. This discussion is essential for ensuring that the project remains within budget and on track.
    • Land Swap Update: An update will be provided on the status of the land swap, a critical component of the school building project.
  5. New Business The committee will address any new business that arises during the meeting.
  6. Future Meeting Dates Dates for future meetings will be discussed, allowing members to plan and prepare for ongoing discussions and decisions.

To learn more click on this link

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