Evening gentle restorative yoga and sound bath to take place at Eustis Estate on July 12, 2024

A person sits on a colorful blanket on the grass in a meditative pose in front of a stone building with ivy-covered arches, preparing for the summer concert series Olson Pingrey Quartet at Eustis Estate on July 11, 2024.
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Evening gentle restorative yoga and sound bath to take place at Eustis Estate on July 12, 2024

Evening Gentle Restorative Yoga and Sound Bath
Friday, July 12, 2024  6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Eustis Estate, 1424 Canton Avenue, Milton, MA 02186
As the day winds down, immerse yourself in the tranquil beauty of our evening yoga session. Set in a serene outdoor setting, this restorative yoga class is designed to help you unwind and rejuvenate. Led by yoga instructor, Loula Varsamis, you begin with gentle restorative poses, allowing your body to release the tensions of the day. As the sun begins to set, you’ll be enveloped in the soothing vibrations of a sound bath, harmonizing your energy and deepening your relaxation.
Class is outdoors. Be sure to dress for the weather, and bring a yoga mat if you have one. We will also have some mats available.
Members $20; Nonmember $25. Log in or Join now to have your discount applied at checkout.
In case of dangerous weather, class will be canceled or rescheduled. Admission to the museum is not included with this ticket.
Please call 617-994-6600 for more information.

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