Milton proclaims as LGBTQ Pride Month, celebrating diversity and inclusion

A rainbow flag waves against a clear blue sky as Milton proclaims LGBTQ pride month, celebrating diversity and inclusion on May 28, 2024.
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Milton proclaims as LGBTQ Pride Month, celebrating diversity and inclusion

WHEREAS, the Town of Milton is a friendly and welcoming community that celebrates and promotes diversity and inclusion; and

WHEREAS, the Town of Milton recognizes the importance of equality and freedom; and

WHEREAS, the Town of Milton recognizes that our Nation was founded upon the principles that all people are created equal and that each person has the right to life, liberty and
the pursuit of happiness; and

WHEREAS, the Town of Milton is dedicated to fostering acceptance of all its residents and preventing discrimination and mistreatment based on sexual orientation or gender identity; and

WHEREAS, the Town of Milton is strengthened by and thrives upon the rich diversity of ethnic, cultural, racial, gender and sexual identities of its residents; all of which contribute to the vibrant character of our Town; and

WHEREAS, the Town of Milton recognizes the importance and contributions of members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Questioning (LGBTQ) community.

NOW, THEREFORE, We, the Select Board and on behalf of the Town of Milton, hereby proclaim and recognize the month of June as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Questioning (LGBTQ) Pride Month, and we urge all residents to actively promote the principles of equality and liberty

GIVEN THIS DAY, Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Richrd G. Wells, Jr., Chair

Roxanne F. Musto., Vice Chair

John C. Keohane, Secretary

Erin G. Bradley, Member

Benjamin D. Zoll, Member


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