Community Alert: Milton Public Library parking forum to take place June 6, 2024

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Community Alert: Milton Public Library parking forum to take place June 6, 2024

Library Parking Open Forum
Thursday, June 6th at 6:30 p.m. in the Milton Public Library Keys Room.

Join an open forum of the Library Trustees, our Library Director, Will Adamczyk and the Master Planning Implementation Committee.

Members of the Library Trustees have been engaged in efforts to increase the parking capacity for the Library for almost ten years. The Library offers a wide array of programs and meeting spaces that draw more people and cars than the current parking lot allows for. This forum is an opportunity for the Trustees and the Master Plan Implementation Committee to present the work that has been done to provide options for safe and effective parking solutions. After the presentation, the floor will be open to public comment.

Visit the Town of Milton website for more info.

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