Art reception and talk with Beth Neville to take place at Milton Public Library on June 25

A woman in a yellow shirt and white pants stands beside a gallery wall filled with various framed floral artworks, while eagerly discussing the upcoming "Wildlife of the Serengeti" virtual safari talk with Joy Marzolf on June 18, 2024.
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Art reception and talk with Beth Neville to take place at Milton Public Library on June 25

Finally, on Tuesday, June 25, from 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m., come in person to join Milton artist Beth Neville, who has been teaching in Milton for many years and she has been a working artist for 60 years so this is a real celebration!

Her paintings will be on display this month from June 1 until June 29 in the Wotiz Gallery, and as part of this beautiful collection of artwork, there will also be a free and open reception and art talk held on June 25 evening in both the cafe area and in the Keys Community Room.

“Let’s Talk about Art” will discuss Beth’s many years in the art world, her painting process, her teaching career, and the history and celebration of her work in the field. We hope former students and friends of this talented lady will join us for a nice program! There is no registration required to attend, so just come visit us this month to view the exhibit and enjoy the program.


This event is kindly sponsored by the Friends of the Milton Public Library and is free and open to all.

To learn more details about any program, visit

Questions? Email [email protected] or call the Reference Department at (617) 898-4964.

We hope you will consider joining us for a fun presentation or class in June!













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