Reminder! Vote in Milton’s Feb. 14 Special Election: MBTA Communities Act Zoning

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Reminder! Vote in Milton’s Feb. 14 Special Election: MBTA Communities Act Zoning

Residents of Milton are gearing up for special election vote on February 14, 2024, related to Article 1 of the MBTA Communities Act Zoning.

The vote, scheduled to take place from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at regular polling locations, will provide the community an opportunity to voice their stance on this zoning measure.

Voters are encouraged to participate in person at their designated polling locations, with all regular precincts open for the vote.

Polling locations:

  • Precinct 1         Tucker School, Blue Hills Parkway
  • Precinct 2         Milton Senior Center, Walnut Street
  • Precinct 3         Cunningham Park Community Center, Edge Hill Road
  • Precinct 4         Milton Senior Center, Walnut Street
  • Precinct 4A      Milton Senior Center, Walnut Street
  • Precinct 5         Copeland Field House, Milton High School, Gile Road
  • Precinct 6         Cunningham School Gymnasium, Edge Hill Road
  • Precinct 7         Cunningham Park Community Center, Edge Hill Road
  • Precinct 8         Cunningham School Gymnasium, Edge Hill Road
  • Precinct 9         Copeland Field House, Milton High School, Gile Road
  • Precinct 10       Tucker School, Blue Hills Parkway


Shall the Town vote to amend Chapter 275 of the General Bylaws, known as the Zoning Bylaw, by adding a new Section 275-3.23 MBTA Communities Multi-family Overlay District and to amend the Zoning Map to include the MBTA Communities Multi-family Overlay District, including the following subdistricts: Eliot Street Corridor Subdistrict, Milton/Central Avenue Station Subdistrict, Mattapan Station Subdistrict, Blue Hills Parkway Corridor Subdistrict, Granite Avenue Subdistrict, and East Milton Square Subdistrict as shown on the MBTA Communities Multi-family Overlay District Boundary Map, as printed as Article 1 in the Warrant for the December 2023 Special Town Meeting, with the following change: on page 19, Section G (Granite Avenue Subdistrict), subsection 2 (Applicability) shall be changed to “up to 4.5 stories” so it is consistent with page 20, Section G (Granite Avenue Subdistrict), subsection 5 (Table of Dimensional Standards)?

View sample ballot.

The MBTA Communities Act Zoning, the focus of this ballot question, has been a subject of discussion and analysis within the community.

For a comprehensive understanding of the act and related documentation, residents are encouraged to visit the MBTA Communities Act webpage at

Listen to the announcement from the Town Clerk about the Special Election:

Inclement weather leads to rescheduling

On Monday, February 12, 2024, the Select Board voted to seek a court order requesting to reschedule the special election due to the forecasted winter storm. After a hearing in Norfolk Superior Court, Judge Joseph Leighton granted the Town’s request to delay the election to Wednesday, February 14, 2024.

The election was originally scheduled for February 13, 2024.

Also, please note trash and recycling collection is cancelled for Tuesday, February 14 and will be on a one-day delay for the remainder of the week.

Polls will be open from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm on Wednesday, February 14, 2024.  Voters will vote at their usual locations.

Click here for more information.

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