New year, new you, same old office: a [not serious] guide to resetting for work in 2024 – Small Business Corner

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New year, new you, same old office: a [not serious] guide to resetting for work in 2024 – Small Business Corner

Happy New Year, folks! It’s that magical time of year when we dust off our hopes, dreams, and that stack of unopened work emails. While everyone’s out there making resolutions to hit the gym or learn a new language, we, the office warriors, have our own unique set of goals for the new year. So, let’s dive right in and learn how to reset for work in 2024 with a smile (or at least a stifled chuckle). 😄

The office safari:

Have you ever wondered what wild creatures might be lurking in your office over the holidays? The breakroom may resemble a forgotten archeological site, with sandwich fossils and the ancient remains of forgotten coffee cups. Your first task is to don your explorer’s hat and venture into the office wilderness to discover these mysterious relics. Just remember, you’re a researcher on a perilous journey, so be sure to pack your survival kit – a can of air freshener, disinfectant wipes, and your favorite coffee mug. ☕

The desk archaeology:

Once you’ve braved the break room, it’s time to tackle your own desk. Start by excavating layers of post-it notes and unfiled documents. Who knew your desk could hide so many mysteries? Perhaps you’ll stumble upon that elusive pen that went missing in 2021. Don’t be surprised if you find a granola bar wrapper from last year – it’s just your desk’s way of celebrating a belated New Year’s feast. 📚

The “reboot” email:

It’s time to break the news to your inbox. That’s right, your email deserves a proper “reset” notification. You know, something like: “Dear Inbox, just a quick heads-up that I’m planning to check you in 2024. I hope you’ve had a relaxing break and are ready for action! (P.S., please don’t explode when I open you.)” Remember, your inbox has feelings too, or at least it should. 📧

The new calendar creation:

The new year means a fresh start, so you’ll need a brand new calendar. Go ahead and print one out, but be prepared for the shock that the days of the week still fall in the same order. Don’t be discouraged; 2024 has its own unique set of Mondays and Fridays just waiting for you. 🗓️

Office resolutions:

Sure, everyone else is resolving to lose weight or write that novel. But for the dedicated office worker, resolutions are a bit different. How about vowing to clear your desk of unnecessary clutter once a month or trying to resist the siren call of office donuts?

Or maybe you can just settle for not murdering any office mates in 2024?

It’s the small victories that count, after all! 📌

The first office coffee of the year:

This is the moment you’ve been waiting for. That first sip of office coffee in the new year is a rite of passage. Will it taste the same as it did in 2023? Will it have gained some wisdom over the break? Savor it, because you’re officially back in the grind. ☕ (Need an environmentally friendly single cup coffee maker? Check this one out!)

Office small talk:

No office reset is complete without a friendly chat with your coworkers about your holidays. You might not be interested in hearing about Dave’s epic snowboarding adventure, but you’ll nod along and congratulate him on his newfound skills in “extreme face planting.” 😅

The mysterious disappearance of the office supplies:

And finally, a classic office mystery that never gets old – the inexplicable vanishing of your office supplies. Who has been pilfering your pens, borrowing your sticky notes, or sneaking into your stash of paperclips? You may never find out, but let it be known that you’re watching, and you’ve got a suspicious eye on the office supply cabinet. 🔍

So there you have it, fellow office warriors.

Your guide to resetting for work in the new year, sprinkled with a healthy dose of humor. Remember, the office might not change much, but you can bring a fresh perspective and a positive attitude to make 2024 your most productive year yet.

Happy New Year and may your coffee be strong, your emails manageable, and your office chair ever comfy! 🪑📅🎈

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