Top Milton Neighbors posts, August ’23

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Top Milton Neighbors posts, August ’23

Wondering what the top Milton Neighbors posts were last month?

We’ve summarized the top posts for you from the past month.

1. Nice job, Milton! 😤

“Remember when opponents of the Ice House were direly warning that a market, a little café, an ice cream shop and enhanced recreational access to the pond, that all of that could lead to the loss of a stand of beautiful, mature trees on the property (even though preserving the trees was part of that development)?

Good job, opponents! We’re getting *another* housing development there, instead, AND: the trees are gone. “

2. Another anonymous website posted anonymously, with no context

Milton Neighbors for Responsible Zoning

(The comments are fun, though!)

3. Encouraging kids to use the buddy bench

“I’ve seen a lot of postings since school has begun about being nice and inclusive. I’m posting anonymously because I don’t want my child knowing I’ve posted.
If your child sees another child sitting on the buddy bench at recess, PLEASE encourage them to go over and engage with the child. Ask them to play, join in on a game, run around. Sit and talk. I can’t tell you how many times my child has said they have sat on the buddy bench only to be ignored. So much so, that they ask why the school even has it.”

4. Old fashioned book stores

“What is the closest bookstore these days?”

5. Last one on the bus

“Is anyone else on the waitlist for the school bus? Inexplicably I missed the registration window and had to register my kids for late registration. Sure enough, I have been informed that they are on the waitlist. The person I am emailing will not share where my kids fall on the list. My kids are going into 7th and 9th grade. We rely on the bus because my husband and I work, and my kids have always ridden the bus. I wonder if anyone else has experience with being waitlisted, and I am curious if there are others in the same position. I am also looking for creative ideas to get them home from school! We live about two miles from both schools. Apparently, state law only requires transportation for kids up to 6th grade, but what do they expect them to do? It is too far for them to walk. Sigh. Open to feedback/advice!”

6. Need a laugh? Some awesome Monday MEMES!

meme monday

7. What’s up with the parking tickets?

“I see that all of Lothrop Ave had cars ticketed at 2 in the morning for “all night parking,” despite the fact that some of these houses don’t have enough driveway space for all of their cars (many are two families) and that all of us park overnight on the street all of the time. For the 2.5 years I’ve lived here I’ve never seen or received a ticket until now. Does anyone know what they propose people do who have more cars in their household than driveway parking spots?”

8. Waterfalls in the backyard

“I think we need drain people…”

flooding in the backyard

9. Organize me, please!

“I am looking for a good home organizer to help with decluttering, donating etc. recommendations?”

10. What’s the verdict on Verizon Fios?

“Verizon Fios is finally in my area of Milton. Comcast seems relatively unstable and I am thinking of switching – anyone have negatives before I pull the plug on Xfinity internet (no cable tv here).”


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