Geoffrey Wilkinson to read from his book of poetry at Milton Public Library

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Geoffrey Wilkinson to read from his book of poetry at Milton Public Library

Professor Geoffrey Wilkinson of Milton, will give a poetry reading on Tuesday, 5/23, at 7:00 p.m. in the Keys Room.

He has written a new book of poetry called Confluence which was published on April 15th by Lost Valley Press (an imprint of Satya House Publications, Harwick, MA).  This reading, which is in celebration of National Poetry Month (which happened in April), will inspire us all with his beautiful language and topics, so please come in person and bring your friends and family!

Shanee Stepakoff, Winner of the Independent Book Publishers Association (2022 Benjamin Franklin Gold Award for Poetry,) says this about the book: “In these finely crafted, potent poems, Geoff Wilkinson gives us new ways to look at ourselves and each other…. His main theme is connection: to self, to the beloved, to friends, to nature, to the wider community, to ancestors, and to future generations.”

For more details about the author and his book, please check and then go to the date of the talk.

No registration is required to attend this event.

All of these programs are kindly supported by the Friends of the Milton Public Library and are free and open to all.

For questions, Email [email protected] or call the Reference Dept. at (617) 898-4964.

We are located at 476 Canton Avenue, Milton, MA.

We hope to see you soon at the Milton Public Library!


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